reaction engine

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reaction engine

[rē′ak·shən ‚en·jən]
(aerospace engineering)
An engine that develops thrust by its reaction to a substance ejected from it; specifically, such an engine that ejects a jet or stream of gases created by the addition of energy to the gases in the engine. Also known as reaction motor.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

reaction engine

reaction engineclick for a larger image
Principle of reaction engine.
An engine that works on the principle of Newton's third law of motion: To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. All aerospace propulsions are based on this principle.
An Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
References in periodicals archive ?
CCSL's technical knowledge of SOLIDWORKS, which is used globally in all corners of the design and engineering sectors, has been instrumental in supporting the engineering experts at Reaction Engines to maximise their use of the software as they seek to bring the revolutionary engine to life.
The belief within Reaction Engines Ltd (REL) that its SABRE aerospace engine has the power to transform the 'race for space' on a massive commercial level has never been more powerful.
BAE systems and Reaction Engines have partnered to create a hypersonic reusable rocket that could transform space and commercial travel.
The aim of creating a spaceplane, or Single Stage To Orbit vehicle (SSTO), has been made more feasible by the successful test of the SABRE air-breathing rocket engine from Reaction Engines.
Reaction Engines described the invention as "the biggest breakthrough in propulsion technology since the jet engine."
"Our work shows that it is possible technically; now it's up to the world to decide if it wants it," said Alan Bond, managing director of Reaction Engines, in a statement.
Alan Bond, managing director of Reaction Engines, said: "The A2 is designed to leave Brussels, fly quietly and subsonically out into the north Atlantic at mach 0.9 before reaching mach 5 across the North Pole and heading over the Pacific to Australia.
The device may easily be used in the laboratory, replacing high costs reaction engines experiments for propellant combustion studies.
BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce and Reaction Engines are developing hypersonic propulsion technology for the UK Ministry of Defense and Royal Air Force.
Boeing [NYSE: BA] has announced its investment in Reaction Engines Limited, a provider of advanced propulsion systems based in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, the company said.
I contacted numerous well-known companies (the likes of Lotus, Triumph, Cosworth, McLaren, Reaction Engines, MG), only to receive either no response or an admission that there were no suitable positions.