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BirthplaceNew Mexico
NationalitySpanish and Pueblo (after of Revolt)
religious leader and Governor (of the Pueblo)


Alexander. 1688--1744, English poet, regarded as the most brilliant satirist of the Augustan period, esp with his Imitations of Horace (1733--38). His technical virtuosity is most evident in The Rape of the Lock (1712--14). Other works include The Dunciad (1728; 1742), the Moral Essays (1731--35), and An Essay on Man (1733--34)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(?–1690) Tewa Pueblo medicine man, revolutionary leader; probably born on the San Juan Pueblo in present-day New Mexico. He first came to the attention of the Spanish when in 1675 he led the resistance against the Spaniard's treatment of Native American medicine men. Then in 1680 he masterminded and led a successful Indian revolt against the Spanish rulers in New Mexico. After many Spanish were killed and most others fled, he and his followers eradicated every visible trace of the Spanish presence in their region and tried to return to a traditional way of life. He ruled in an arbitrary manner and alienated many of his people as well as neighboring tribes; he was deposed and died soon afterward. Although the Spanish reconquered the area (1692), Popé had led what was probably the most successful revolt by Native Americans.
The Cambridge Dictionary of American Biography, by John S. Bowman. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 1995. Reproduced with permission.