Jolly Roger

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Jolly Roger

the traditional pirate flag, consisting of a white skull and crossbones on a black field
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

Jolly Roger

black pirate flag with white skull and crossbones. [World Hist.: Brewer Dictionary, 926]
See: Piracy
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The original pirate flags were blood red, and this signalled that no mercy would be shown once the pirates boarded and battle ensued.
A red flag, NF flag or pirate flag would send out mixed messages to a public already mistrusting of police impartiality.
After commandeering a schooner, 'The Kipper', and adding a suitably catty pirate flag, they capture the trawler and sail off for a fishy feast.
Some of the cool extras in "Pirate Treasure" include a mail away free pirate flag offer (5' x 3') with every book purchase, and a handwritten Pirate Dictionary with terms like "brig" and "buccaneer" included.
A Thousand Years of Pirates by William Gilkerson is a stunning book--complete with "pirate flag" themed cover in black and silver with skull and crossbones graphic.
Students can create a pirate flag that represents any important aspect of their lives, using paper and markers.
Motives like a juicy kebab, a high heel a la "Sex and City" or a classic pirate flag decorate the profiles of many Qeep users.
Jensen's drawing (Figure 5) includes a ship, cannon, the gangplank, and a recognizable pirate flag, complete with skull and crossbones.
The party has adopted as its logo a pirate flag like its Swedish sister party, only in the green and orange colours of Ireland.
Museum-goers can hoist a pirate flag, tie sailing knots, and enter the ship as the pirates did, by ducking through a large wooden door and going "below deck" in a life-size replica of the ship's stem.
What nickname was given to the pirate flag consisting of a skull and crossbones?
A pirate flag with George Bush for a death's head went up in orange flames.