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a. a thin light mesh fabric of cotton, nylon, or other fibre, used for curtains, dresses, etc.
b. (as modifier): net curtains
2. Cricket
a. a pitch surrounded by netting, used for practice
b. a practice session in a net
2, nett (of weight) after deducting tare
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
What does it mean when you dream about a net?
To cast a net as one does when attempting to catch fish or anything of value suggests that one is caught up in a net of intrigue or a complicated life situation.
The Dream Encyclopedia, Second Edition © 2009 Visible Ink Press®. All rights reserved.
[net] (communications)
A number of communication stations equipped for communicating with each other, often on a definite time schedule and in a definite sequence.
Threads or cords tied together at regular intervals to form a mesh.
A series of surveying or leveling stations that have been interconnected in such a manner that closed loops or circuits have been formed, or that are arranged so as to provide a check on the consistency of the measured values. Also known as network.
In structural petrology, coordinate network of meridians and parallels, projected from a sphere at intervals of 2°; used to plot points whose spherical coordinates are known and to study the distribution and orientation of planes and points. Also known as projection net; stereographic net.
A form of horizontal patterned ground whose mesh is intermediate between a circle and a polygon.
A set whose members are indexed by elements from a directed set; this is a generalization of a sequence. Also known as Moore-Smith sequence.
A nondegenerate partial plane satisfying the parallel axiom.
Any fabric made in open hexagonal mesh.
[net] (astronomy)
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
(networking)The top-level domain originally for
networks, although it sees heavy use for vanity domains of
all types.
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(NETwork) Any term with a "net" prefix either means network or Internet. For example, a net address can mean a network address or an Internet address, depending on the context of the dialog. "Net" with a capital "N" generally refers to the Internet; for example, "the Net" is "the Internet." See also .NET Framework.Copyright © 1981-2019 by The Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher.