He then proceeded to patch his tags together with the help of his Gradus, producing an incongruous and feeble result of eight elegiac lines, the minimum quantity for his form, and finishing up with two highly moral lines extra, making ten in all, which he cribbed entire from one of his books, beginning "O genus humanum," and which he himself must have used a dozen times before, whenever an unfortunate or wicked hero, of whatever nation or language under the sun, was the subject.
This was all he cared for--to produce eight lines with no false quantities or concords: whether the words were apt, or what the sense was, mattered nothing; and as the article was all new, not a line beyond the minimum did the followers of the dogged method ever produce.
He was cheered to read in BOOK NEWS, in a paragraph on the payment of magazine writers, not that Rudyard Kipling received a dollar per word, but that the
minimum rate paid by first-class magazines was two cents a word.
It had reduced Mr Eugene Warden's self-respect to a
minimum. Ruth's it had reared up to an abnormal growth.
As Tarzan stood for a moment looking down upon his kill and regretting that he could not risk voicing his beloved victory cry, the sight of the uniform suggested a means whereby he might pass to and fro through Wilhelmstal with the
minimum chance of detection.
The thermometers and barometers had resisted, all but one
minimum thermometer, the glass of which was broken.
He wore a flannel collar of unfamiliar shape, and his clothes, although they were neat enough, were of a pattern and cut obviously designed to afford the maximum of ease and comfort with the
minimum regard to appearance.
Bethell developed to its highest point in New York, a user of the telephone pays a fixed
minimum price for a certain number of messages per year, and extra for all messages over this number.
"Still a
minimum of sixty is not to be grumbled at."
The minister said that the government will keep its promise to refrain from introducing major tax changes next year but that discussions are taking place about raising the
minimum wage.