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Related to militarily: Military time


the armed forces of a STATE; pertaining to the armed forces or to WARFARE.

The Austrian sociologist Ludwig Gumplowitz (1838-1909) argued that military conquest was the origin both of the state and SOCIAL STRATIFICATION. Whether or not this view is accepted (and usually it is regarded as far too simple), it is clear the military play a crucial role in the maintenance of state power once this is established. Despite this, until recently sociological study of the military and of warfare has occupied only a relatively marginalized place within mainstream sociology. This neglect has been challenged recently by a number of theorists (e.g. MANN, 1983 and 1988). The argument is that in a world threatened with extinction by the military might of the two superpowers, and with MILITARISM today a more pervasive feature than in earlier societies, the study of warfare and the military ought to be more central. See also WARFARE, STRATEGIC THEORY.

Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000

What does it mean when you dream about the military?

To see people in military uniforms of specific branches of the armed forces may be identifying with actual life experiences and memories if one has been in the military. Otherwise, the military in a dream may indicate rigid authoritarian and disciplinary methods that are being brought to bear upon the dreamer, or upon others by the dreamer. It may also suggest extreme emotional repression. If the dreamer is in a ship on the high seas, the dream may suggest sailing through emotional issues of divorce or other personal loss, bravely and dutifully.

The Dream Encyclopedia, Second Edition © 2009 Visible Ink Press®. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"This is not going to be won militarily," Miller told the American broadcaster, adding that "this is going to a political solution".
"Our forces destroyed one militarily barge and [captured] five others gun boats, including a number of militarily ammunitions from the government," the official told Sudan Tribune via satellite phone.
Critique: An impressive collaboration, "America Invades: How We've Invaded or been Militarily Involved with almost Every Country on Earth" is exceptionally informed and informative.
<![CDATA[ Why the Sunnis best course of action is to militarily harass and degrade the Houthis and Saleh by blocking Iranas air and sea resupply of the Houthis, while liquidating Iranas Assad on the ground.]]>
1 in the world militarily, six percentage points higher than said so in 2014.
Summary: Algeria is reported to have requested France guarantee regional stability if the West decides to intervene militarily in Libya, a diplomatic source revealed yesterday.
Summary: In its 142nd session after its creation in the 1940s, the Arab League called Sunday on its member states to confront ISIS both "militarily and politically."
Summary: Half of all Americans believe President Barack Obama should not intervene militarily in Syria in ...
"I urge that the administration not intervene militarily. If it does, it will find itself in the middle of a bitter ethnic conflict".
No Military Trials said in the statement that the article opens the door for the militarily trying civilians in a "purposefully vague" manner, leaving it up to legislation.