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See also Generosity.
Allworthy, Squire
Tom Jones’s goodhearted foster father. [Br. Lit.: Tom Jones]
relieves lion of thorn in paw and is repaid in arena by lion’s failure to attack him. [Rom. Lit.: Noctes Atticae, Leach, 55]
Bachelor, the
“the universal mediator, comforter, and friend.” [Br. Lit.: Old Curiosity Shop]
Bishop of Digne
gave starving Valjean food, bed, and comfort. [Fr. Lit.: Les Misérables]
took benevolent custody of Ruth. [O.T.: Ruth 2:8–16]
Brownlow, Mr.
rescued Oliver Twist from arrest and adopted him. [Br. Lit.: Dickens Oliver Twist]
symbol of compassion. [Plant Symbolism: Jobes, 279]
Carey, Louisa
Philip’s loving, sensitive aunt. [Br. Lit.: Of Human Bondage, Magill I, 670–672]
Cuttle, Captain
kindly shelters runaway, Florence Dombey. [Br. Lit.: Dombey and Son]
Babylonian king; kind to captive king, Jehoiachin. [O.T.: II Kings 25:27–29]
Finn, Huckleberry
refuses to turn in Jim, the fugitive slave. [Am. Lit.: Huckleberry Finn]
Francis of Assisi, St.
(1182–1226) patron saint and benevolent protector of animals. [Christian Hagiog.: Hall, 132]
Friday’s child
loving and giving. [Nurs. Rhyme: Opie, 309]
the “Good Witch”; Dorothy’s guardian angel. [Am. Lit.: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; Am. Cinema: Halliwell, 780]
Good Samaritan
helps out man victimized by thieves and neglected by other passers-by. [N.T.: Luke 10:30–35]
symbol of kindness and benevolence. [Heraldry: Halberts, 30]
Hood, Robin
helps the poor by plundering the rich. [Br. Lit.: Robin Hood]
Jesus Christ
kind to the poor, forgiving to the sinful. [N.T.: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John]
Joseph of Arimathaea
retrieved Christ’s body, enshrouded and buried it. [N.T.: Matthew 27:57–61; John 19:38–42]
Kuan Yin
goddess of mercy. [Buddhism: Binder, 42]
La Creevy, Miss
spinster painter of miniatures who devoted herself to befriending the Nicklebys. [Br. Lit.: Dickens Nicholas Nickleby]
lemon balm
symbol of compassion. [Herb Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 164]
Merrick, Robert
doing good to others as raison d’être. [Am. Lit.: The Magnificent Obsession, Magill I, 547–549]
venerable sea god of great kindliness. [Gk. Myth.: Century Classical, 744–745]
Old Woman of Leeds
“spent all her time in good deeds.” [Nurs. Rhyme: Mother Goose, 97]
exhibits fellow-feeling for comrades. [Medieval Animal Symbolism: White, 77–78]
Peggotty, Daniel
kindhearted bachelor who shelters niece and nephew. [Br. Lit.: David Copperfield]
“city of brotherly love.” [Am. Hist.: Hart, 651]
Rivers, St. John
takes starving Jane Eyre into his home. [Br. Lit.: Jane Eyre]
Rodolph, Grand Duke
helps criminals and the poor to a better life. [Fr. Lit.: Sue The Mysteries of Paris in Magill I, 632]
cares lovingly for her blind father, provides for her husband’s mistress and children, and is kind to all who suffer. [Br. Lit.: George Eliot Romola]
St. Martin
in midwinter, gave his cloak to a freezing beggar. [Christian Hagiog.: Brewer Dictionary]
Strong, Doctor
“the kindest of men.” [Br. Lit.: David Copperfield]
indicates sympathy. [Flower Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 178]
Veronica, St.
from pity, offers Christ cloth to wipe face. [Christian Hagiog.: Attwater, 334]
Vincent de Paul, St.
French priest renowned for his charitable work. [Christian Hagiog.: NCE, 2896]
Wenceslas, St.
Bohemian prince noted for piety and generosity. [Eur. Hist.: Brewer Dictionary, 1147]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
I was different from my kind. I was abnormal with something they could not understand, and the telling of which would cause only misunderstanding.
So here dwelt Thistle, and many kind friends gathered round him, for he spoke gently to them, and they knew nothing of the cruel deeds he had done; and for a while he was happy and content.
The watchful Brownies saw this kind deed, and brought him fresh flowers, and many things, which Thistle gratefully received, though he never knew it was his kindness to the vine that gained for him these pleasures.
I'll be more than thankful if the man can give me the right kind of glasses to suit my eyes.
I suppose people of that kind serve some useful purpose in society, but I must say I don't know what it is any more than I know the use of thistles.
"Don't mind what I said -- please don't -- you WON'T, now, WILL you?" Laying her silky hand on mine in that kind of a way that I said I would die first.
But I bet she done it, just the same -- she was just that kind. She had the grit to pray for Judus if she took the notion -- there warn't no back-down to her, I judge.
He is very kind and good, but he scarcely ever speaks to me; I think he loves his pipe a great deal better than his"--but here Amelia checked herself, for why should she speak ill of her brother?
"Do not be alarmed," said Miss Dashwood, "nothing of the kind will be done; for my mother will never have money enough to attempt it."
Smith, when I next came into the country, would be that Barton cottage was taken: and I felt an immediate satisfaction and interest in the event, which nothing but a kind of prescience of what happiness I should experience from it, can account for.
The first war of this kind would probably terminate in a dissolution of the Union.
On the same principle, even if a writer in his poetic imitation were to combine all metres, as Chaeremon did in his Centaur, which is a medley composed of metres of all kinds, we should bring him too under the general term poet.