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See also Generosity.
Allworthy, SquireTom Jones’s goodhearted foster father. [Br. Lit.: Tom Jones]
relieves lion of thorn in paw and is repaid in arena by lion’s failure to attack him. [Rom. Lit.: Noctes Atticae, Leach, 55]
“the universal mediator, comforter, and friend.” [Br. Lit.: Old Curiosity Shop]
gave starving Valjean food, bed, and comfort. [Fr. Lit.: Les Misérables]
took benevolent custody of Ruth. [O.T.: Ruth 2:8–16]
rescued Oliver Twist from arrest and adopted him. [Br. Lit.: Dickens Oliver Twist]
symbol of compassion. [Plant Symbolism: Jobes, 279]
Philip’s loving, sensitive aunt. [Br. Lit.: Of Human Bondage, Magill I, 670–672]
kindly shelters runaway, Florence Dombey. [Br. Lit.: Dombey and Son]
Babylonian king; kind to captive king, Jehoiachin. [O.T.: II Kings 25:27–29]
refuses to turn in Jim, the fugitive slave. [Am. Lit.: Huckleberry Finn]
(1182–1226) patron saint and benevolent protector of animals. [Christian Hagiog.: Hall, 132]
loving and giving. [Nurs. Rhyme: Opie, 309]
the “Good Witch”; Dorothy’s guardian angel. [Am. Lit.: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; Am. Cinema: Halliwell, 780]
helps out man victimized by thieves and neglected by other passers-by. [N.T.: Luke 10:30–35]
symbol of kindness and benevolence. [Heraldry: Halberts, 30]
helps the poor by plundering the rich. [Br. Lit.: Robin Hood]
kind to the poor, forgiving to the sinful. [N.T.: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John]
retrieved Christ’s body, enshrouded and buried it. [N.T.: Matthew 27:57–61; John 19:38–42]
goddess of mercy. [Buddhism: Binder, 42]
spinster painter of miniatures who devoted herself to befriending the Nicklebys. [Br. Lit.: Dickens Nicholas Nickleby]
symbol of compassion. [Herb Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 164]
doing good to others as raison d’être. [Am. Lit.: The Magnificent Obsession, Magill I, 547–549]
venerable sea god of great kindliness. [Gk. Myth.: Century Classical, 744–745]
“spent all her time in good deeds.” [Nurs. Rhyme: Mother Goose, 97]
exhibits fellow-feeling for comrades. [Medieval Animal Symbolism: White, 77–78]
kindhearted bachelor who shelters niece and nephew. [Br. Lit.: David Copperfield]
“city of brotherly love.” [Am. Hist.: Hart, 651]
takes starving Jane Eyre into his home. [Br. Lit.: Jane Eyre]
helps criminals and the poor to a better life. [Fr. Lit.: Sue The Mysteries of Paris in Magill I, 632]
cares lovingly for her blind father, provides for her husband’s mistress and children, and is kind to all who suffer. [Br. Lit.: George Eliot Romola]
in midwinter, gave his cloak to a freezing beggar. [Christian Hagiog.: Brewer Dictionary]
“the kindest of men.” [Br. Lit.: David Copperfield]
indicates sympathy. [Flower Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 178]
from pity, offers Christ cloth to wipe face. [Christian Hagiog.: Attwater, 334]
French priest renowned for his charitable work. [Christian Hagiog.: NCE, 2896]
Bohemian prince noted for piety and generosity. [Eur. Hist.: Brewer Dictionary, 1147]
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