ion gun

ion gun

[′ī‚än ‚gən]
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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TOF-SIMS measurements were performed using an ION-TOF IV compatible instrument equipped with a 25 kV [Bi.sub.3.sup.+] liquid metal ion gun (IONTOF GmbH, Germany).
Chestnut Ridge, NY) instrument equipped with a [Bi.sup.m+.sub.n] (n = 1 to 5, m = 1, 2) liquid metal ion gun. The instrument vacuum system consists of a load lock for sample loading and an analysis chamber, separated by the gate valve.
The latest industrial ion gun from JDV Products Inc., Fair Lawn, N.J., is designed to neutralize and eliminate dust while effectively cleaning the surface of large plastic products.
Whereas an ion gun radiates an argon ion beam, an FAB gun radiates a neutral atom beam of argon.
In SIMS, the excitation source consists of a vacuum chamber and an ion gun. Placing the sample in a vacuum keeps the surface clean and allows for easy transport of ions through the instrument.
You terrorised them with an imitat ion gun. These incidents left your victims shocked and traumatised."
In the case of SIMS, the probing beam is made of ions generated by an ion gun. Commonly, gallium ions are the particular species used in the gun.
Along this line, results from recent RF ion gun injection experiments were presented.
Next, atoms are shot by an ion gun at an angle that push aside many of the surface carbon atoms, forming atomic-scale rows.
In cooperation with the Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science in Budapest, Hungary, the capabilities of a new, extremely low energy ion gun for precision ion-beam cutting or slope milling of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) samples is being investigated.