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See also Conspiracy.
15th-century family who stopped at nothing to gain power. [Ital. Hist.: Plumb, 59]
Ems dispatch
Bismarck’s purposely provocative memo on Spanish succession; sparked Franco-Prussian war (1870). [Ger. Hist.: NCE, 866]
Machiavelli, Nicolò
(1469–1527) author of book extolling political cunning. [Ital. Hist.: The Prince]
Mannon, Lavinia
undoes adulterous mother by brainwashing brother. [Am. Lit.: Mourning Becomes Electra]
Mission Impossible
team of investigators with Byzantine modus operandi. [TV: “Mission Impossible” in Terrace, II, 100–101]
has cohort woo his covertly wed wife. [Ital. Opera: Cimarosa, The Secret Marriage, Westerman, 63]
slick lawyer finagles on behalf of two men. [Rom. Lit.: Phormio]
imaginary pre-WWI kingdom, rife with political machinations. [Br. Lit.: Prisoner of Zenda]
X Y Z Affair
thinly disguised extortion aroused anti-French feelings (1797–1798). [Am. Hist.: Jameson, 564]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



in literature, a complicated and intense interweaving of events as a method of structuring the action or plot in novels (mostly in adventure novels) and in drama. It develops out of the sharp clash between the main characters’ interests and their purposeful, often secret struggle. An example is the intrigue over the letter about the guardianship in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel A Raw Youth. The peripeteia involving the letter also reveals the “tragedy of the underground” and the “ethical duality” of the protagonists.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The Intrigue has full suspension, with adjustable shockers front and rear.
The Notorious won't be the first celeb the club has hosted as Intrigue's Facebook page shows pictures of pop stars Ke$ha and Nick Jonas performing there.
Desert Intrigue (ISBN: 978-1-47008-421-9, Red Mountain Shadows Publishing, 2012) can be found at local libraries or online bookstores.
But on the 250 Intrigue, three people get the best seat with two more Flexsteel 10-Star captain's seats in the bow.
International intrigue again involves him in this intriguing set of world-wide encounters.
He is looking for products that are "visually intriguing," that are "so compelling that people will cross the street to go look at the car." Given that on the streets of Europe one is likely to see products from companies like Peugeot, Renault, Alfa, and all the rest that are familiar to the American road, this intrigue undoubtedly has to be of the highest visual appeal.
If it's electronics and mechanics which intrigue you, combined with a bit of robotics and do-it-yourself projects, MECHATRONICS FOR THE EVIL GENIUS: 25 BUILD-IT-YOURSELF PROJECTS is for you.
There are few who can intrigue us as much as could Libeskind, before he went 'promotional'.
As with the indeterminately sized mound of lichenlike material growing out of a corner in Kellygreen, the experiential distance inherent in photographic image making adds a layer of intrigue to what, in real life, would be more easily apprehended (and possibly less appealing); it empties out the perceptual space usually filled with empirical information in order to make room for the viewer's imagination.
The intrigue thickened as scientists gathered that there had been a concerted effort to erase her from history, despite her significance as a ruler 3,000 years ago.