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1. Christianity
a. the place or state of eternal punishment of the wicked after death, with Satan as its ruler
b. forces of evil regarded as residing there
2. (in various religions and cultures) the abode of the spirits of the dead
3. Now rare a gambling house, booth, etc.
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

What does it mean when you dream about hell?

Hell symbolizes a place of suffering and torment. Someone who dreams of hell may be suffering from a seemingly inescapable situation caused by having given away his or her emotional power to someone else.

The Dream Encyclopedia, Second Edition © 2009 Visible Ink Press®. All rights reserved.


See also Underworld.
place of destruction. [N.T.: Revelation 9:11; Br. Lit.: Paradise Lost]
place of eternal suffering. [O.T.: II Kings 23:10]
the great underworld. [Gk. Myth.: NCE, 1219]
valley of ill repute that came to mean hell. [Judaism: NCE, 1244]
realm of torment for deceased wicked people. [Buddhism, Hindu Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 745]
chief city of Hell. [Br. Lit.: Paradise Lost]
(or Tophet) gloomy place of departed, unhappy souls. [Judaism: NCE, 1219]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



according to the majority of religious teachings, the abode of the souls of sinners supposedly doomed to eternal suffering. Concepts of hell arose from primitive beliefs in the existence of the soul beyond the grave. As religions developed, the concept of hell as a place intended exclusively for the souls of sinners arose. According to ancient Greek mythology, the gloomiest part in the kingdom of shades (the kingdom of the dead) was Tartarus, the dwelling place of the evil. In Judaism hell (Sheol) was initially the subterranean region to which the shades of all the dead, both the sinners and the just, descended. Later hell was represented as the place where the souls of sinners were subjected to suffering. Christianity accepted this representation of hell. A brilliant expression of the Western European medieval concept of hell can be found in Dante’s Divine Comedy. The concept of hell also exists in the Eastern religions of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Theologians and clergymen use the concept of hell, which they contrast with paradise, to influence the conscience and feelings of believers.


Lafarg, P. “Izmyshlenie ada.” In his book Ekonomicheskii determinizm K. Marksa: Soch., vol. 3. Moscow-Leningrad, 1931.
Sidorov, D. I. Ob ade, rae i ikh obitateliakh. Moscow, 1960.
Shishkin, I. B. V. poiskakh bibleiskogo ada. Moscow, 1962.
Bautz, J. Die Hölle. Mainz, 1882.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
As the Front Page went into the hellbox, bishops vanished from the city rooms, common courtesy was deleted from the news columns.
Among his best - known story collections are The Doctor's Son and Other Stories (1935) and Hellbox (1947); his novel Pal Joey (1940) was made into a successful musical by Rodgers and Hart.
The four companies reporting third quarter earnings this issue offer a hellbox of results.