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1. any small spiny-finned fish of the family Gobiidae, of coastal or brackish waters, having a large head, an elongated tapering body, and the ventral fins modified as a sucker
2. any other gobioid fish
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(Gobiidae), a family of fish of the order Perciformes. The structure of its ventral fins is characteristic: they usually grow together forming a sucking disk. There are approximately 600 species. It is distributed along the coastal seas in tropical and temperate latitudes, also in brackish and fresh waters.

In the USSR the greatest variety of gobies is found in the Black, Azov, and Caspian seas, where a number of commercial species are found, including Gobius melanostomus, G. fluviatilis, G. batrachocephalus, G. ophiocephalus, and others. Gobies were brought to the Aral Sea during the acclimatization of other fishes. Some species are distinguished by their small size: the Philippine goby (Mystichthys luzonensis) has a length of 10-14 mm, and the Caspian goby (Hyrcanogobius bergi), 21 mm. Gobies reproduce in spring and summer. The roe attaches to under-water objects and is often protected by the parents. The small Black Sea goby (Pomatoschistus) lays its roe in the empty shells of the Cardium mollusk. Most gobies feed on benthic invertebrates, but there are also predatory and planktonophagic species. The goby is used in fresh or canned form.


Berg, L. S. Ryby presnykh vod SSSR i sopredel’nykh stran, 4th ed., part 3. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948-49.
Svetovidov, A. N. Ryby Chernogo moria. Moscow-Leningrad, 1964.




(Perccottus glehni), a small freshwater fish of the family Eleotridae. Length, up to 20 cm. Color varies from light to dark; in mating its coloration turns nearly black, and irregular dark-reddish spots appear on the sides.

The goby is found in the basin of the middle and lower Amur River and in bodies of water in northwestern Sakhalin and northeastern Korea. It is also seen in ponds near Moscow and Leningrad, where it was brought by amateur aquarium keepers. The goby prefers still waters. It feeds on fry, mollusks, and insect larvae. Spawning occurs from May to July. The eggs are laid on thick plant stems and other objects; the male protects the eggs.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The recent discovery of the round goby in the French Creek watershed, located in the Upper Allegheny River basin [Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC), 2014; USGS, 2014; Stauffer et al., 2016; Mueller et al., 2017] is of special concern due to the high diversity of fishes and mussels.
Goby is an Accounts Payable and ESG Solutions platform.
Phylogenetic relationships based on the concatenated 12 protein-coding genes indicated the tree topologies represented two groups, and also demonstrated clade Amblyopinae included all three goby species and that O.
Santa Clara river: Live native fish species captured in seine hauls included northern tidewater goby (~1855), staghorn sculpin (Leptocottus armatus) (2), threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) (10 adult), and California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis) (1 adult).
Some species of fish number in the millions and even billions: herring-like, goby, sturgeon, salmon, pike, carp, catfish, etc.
"From Lesley's early days working under veteran Fleet Feet store owner Jeff Wells, to her time in our store development company program, to both Lesley and Matthew's leadership as co-owners of the Ridgeland store, the Hollemans continue to live by the belief that running changes everything and have proven that for countless members of the Jackson running community," Goby said.
The Goby family recently got together to spruce up a decade-old barn quilt and have it ready for the 101st birthday of family matriarch, Betty Goby.
boddarti and other goby fishes dwelling in the same habitat.
Today, the southern goby is found only in three coastal pools in San Diego's Camp Pendleton.
A similar type of tissue has also been described for some goby (Family Gobiidae) species, which may occur in the gonad proper as a 'mesorchial gland' (Colombo and Burighel, 1974; Colombo et al., 1977) or may be located in accessory structure(s) previously referred to as seminal vesicles (Eggert, 1931; Young and Fox, 1937) or sperm duct glands (Miller, 1984) and more recently as accessory gonadal structures, or AGS (Cole and Robertson, 1988) (see Fishelson, 1991 for summary).