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Related to glorious: Glorious Mysteries


A set of concentric, colored rings of light around the shadow cast by an observer or his head onto a cloud or fog bank.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


The luminous halo encircling the head of a sacred person and the radiance or luminous emanation encompassing the whole.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


A ring of colors surrounding the shadow of an aircraft in flight onto a cloud layer. While it is visible from the air when the aircraft is at a suitable angle, it can be observed from an elevated position on the ground if the sun casts a shadow of the observer onto a layer of low-lying mist or fog. Also called a broken specter or a corona. See also broken specter and corona.
An Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



an optical phenomenon of the atmosphere, consisting of colored rings around the shadow of the observer (or the shadow of an object near him), which falls on a cloud or a layer of mist. Glories are often observed in the mountains (where clouds are situated lower than the observer) or on flights above the clouds. The colors of a glory are distributed so that the inner ring is bluish and the outer, red. This is explained by the diffraction of light. A precise theory governing this phenomenon has not yet been developed.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Sweetened with previously unreleased songs and interviews, the CDs radiate glorious "human-sounding singing" while also demonstrating the gradual loosening of sexual attitudes in musicals from the late 1950s into the late 1960s.
Joseph Conrad, mocking the Romantic sublime, spoke of the typical romantic as "tingeing the world to the hue of his temperament." The wistful irony confronts us that it is, in fact, those who seek to define the world through the human rational facility who are "tingeing the world," excluding the glorious infinitudes of emotion and mystery from their awareness of life as they debase existence to purely logical standards.
Likewise, Kathleen Wilson demonstrates in "A Dissident Legacy: Eighteenth-Century Popular Politics and the Glorious Revolution," that the Glorious Revolution eventualy became the symbol of democratization when, for their own propaganda, Whig radicals used government rhetoric honoring the Revolution.
In 'Glorious,' Aquino plays the character of Glory, who Niko (Labrusca) falls in love with.
"Glorious" is the first offering of Dreamscape Digital, an arm under ABS-CBN's production unit Dreamscape Entertainment.
Summary: New Delhi [India], Nov 26 (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday lauded the Indian Navy for their glorious service and humanitarian ventures they indulge in for the people of the country.
by ONA The Minister Responsible for Defence Affairs hailed the distinguished international initiative launched by the website as it provides an important e-window to showcase loyalty and gratitude to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bib Said on the occasion of the glorious 47th National Day celebrations.
Muscat, Nov 16 (ONA) - As per the Royal Orders of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said and on the occasion of 46th Glorious National Day, it was decided that Wednesday and Thursday, November 23rd and 24 th , 2016 will be an official holiday for the employees of the ministries, public authorities and other departments of the state administrative apparatus.
GLORIOUS! Foods has strengthened its range of fresh soup pots with the launch of three new limited edition global flavours.
ONE hundred years of the glorious dead With many things, that must be said In foreign lands they fought and died Young, and old men, side by side In battlefields, unfit for man It's top brass with their battle plan "Come on me lads" it won't take long But history says how they were wrong With thousands dying day on day The head count never goes away So rest in peace you glorious dead For us you died, for us you bled With passing time things fade away But we'll never forget Come Remembrance Day by Bill Collins, Bromborough
Kolkata: A huge painting of Sachin Tendulkar depicting his glorious moments is on its way from Kerala to Mumbai to be presented to the legend during the Mumbai Cricket Association felicitation function.