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Brit a celebratory festival or feast held at some schools and colleges
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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Indeed, many of Bollywood's mass-produced films are leaning toward this gaudiness and parading of body parts as if to say: look at my kama while actually saying "Buy my body parts".
Opulent touches resist a drift into gaudiness, with standout flourishes such as a giant mosaic and chandelier made from hand-blown Bohemian crystal giv-
His final concern is to discuss in what ways his unpredictable writing and "essential gaudiness" respond to ethical concerns.
Even when working in earnest, Almodovar can't hold back his own gaudiness, which threatens to overwhelm Julieta's emotions at all times, just as the loud paintings, posters and wallpaper eclipse the foreground action.
For example, his sources are chiefly anti-Catholic descriptions of Catholic ceremony such as "the gaudiness of its more flamboyant and irrational devotions" (90) and "Latin devotions and priestcraft" (72), which appear to be Chapman's own voice.
The tasteful gaudiness of Scaasi's designs meant that his own star ascended during the flashier eras of fashion historythe late 1960s, the mid 1980sand dimmed slightly (although never completely) when the country was in a more minimalistic mood.
It was, according to Jennifer, a measure of gaudiness.
The data extraction process was conducted by the primary reviewer and the secondary reviewer and as a result provided gaudiness in each step.
Long ago, Helen Vendler insisted on the note of austerity rather than of gaudiness and profusion as sounding Stevens at his truest, and I'm not trying belatedly to reverse her judgement.
He said it has been able to achieve a very high index in terms of human development away from the gaudiness that characterizes some of its neighbors.