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1. Brit a unit of capacity equal to 277.42 cubic inches. 1 Brit gallon is equivalent to 1.20 US gallons or 4.55 litres
2. US a unit of capacity equal to 231 cubic inches. 1 US gallon is equivalent to 0.83 imperial gallon or 3.79 litres
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
[′gal·ən] (mechanics)
Abbreviated gal.
A unit of volume used in the United States for measurement of liquid substances, equal to 231 cubic inches, or to 3.785 411 784 × 10-3 cubic meter, or to 3.785 411 784 liters; equal to 128 fluid ounces.
A unit of volume used in the United Kingdom for measurement of liquid and solid substances, usually the former; equal to 4.54609 × 10-3 cubic meter, or to 4.54609 liters; equal to 160 fluid ounces. Also known as imperial gallon.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.