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1. a small usually metal implement consisting of two, three, or four long thin prongs on the end of a handle, used for lifting food to the mouth or turning it in cooking, etc.
2. an agricultural tool consisting of a handle and three or four metal prongs, used for lifting, digging, etc.
3. Chess a position in which two pieces are forked
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(operating system)
A Unix system call used by a process (the "parent") to make a copy (the "child") of itself. The child process is identical to the parent except it has a different process identifier and a zero return value from the fork call. It is assumed to have used no resources.

A fork followed by an exec can be used to start a different process but this can be inefficient and some later Unix variants provide vfork as an alternative mechanism for this.

See also fork bomb.
This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing (


(1) To split into two. See forked version, hard fork and Bitcoin fork.

(2) In Unix, to make a copy of a process for execution.

(3) In the Mac file system, a fork is a top- level structure that separates data folders and files from other resources. See HFS.

(4) In a SIP telephony system, to search multiple locations for a recipient. See forking proxy.
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References in periodicals archive ?
According to research by the Abbey bank, a family of four with both mum and dad working would fork out pounds 600 in day-care for two children.
Strongbow are quitting, so fans must fork out for new shirts.
If you fork out the extra for it you'll want everyone to know and the Cooper S is easily distinguished from its stablemates by a gaping air vent on the bonnet, chunky bumpers and twin tailpipes.