flame front

flame front

The leading edge of a flame propagating through a gaseous mixture or across the surface of a solid or liquid.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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In fact, what we observed exactly was that the portion of film prior to flame front charred much before the advancement of flame to that area, and the flame progressed much slower and steadier.
In sooting regions where the term [bar.S] might be non negligible (possibly close to the flame front from its inner side), both the effect of [bar.S] and that due to radiation loss are offsetting.
In the present work, drop inertia effects were investigated, by comparing the experimental data with modelled predictions of oscillations in flame speed caused by the aerodynamic interaction of the gas motion ahead of the flame front with the drops.
federal standard requires that a specimen 100 x 356 mm in the thickness used in a vehicle (thicknesses over 12.7 mm are reduced to 12.7 mm) should not burn or transmit a flame front across its surface at a rate of more than 4 inches/min.
"A lot of insects, rodents, and even amphibians can survive the passing of a flame front," says Timothy Ingalsbee, executive director of Firefighters United for Safety, Ethics, and Ecology and a former firefighter with the Park Service and Forest Service.
This alternative combustion process, which uses lean mixtures ignited without a spark or flame front, has been under study for more than 25 years.
* MicroMist Systems: Water Mist Systems extinguish fires using the following basic principles: 1) Cooling -- as the mist is converted into vapor, it removes heat from the fire source; 2) Inerting -- as the water mist turns to steam, it expands approximately 1,700 times, forcing oxygen away from the flame front, thus denying it the oxygen necessary to support combustion (localized inert environment); 3) Wetting -- primarily for incidental Class A fires, wetting of the surface helps extinguish the fire as well as contain it.
An aecelerator plate transmits the flame front through 18 holes into the main combustion chamber, creating an even burst to propel the piston forward.
After the flames pass there will be a minute or so when blown ash and debris just behind the flame front will obscure your vision outside.
The alumina trihydrate and magnesium hydroxide both act by releasing their water of hydration which cools the flame and acts as a heat sink to pull heat away from the flame front. ATH acts as a flame retardant and smoke suppressant because of its thermodynamic properties.