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The expanding arm, which can extend to hold multiple monitors up to 25 pounds on each mounting pivot, can fold back out of the way.
Drill the hole slowly and carefully so you leave no punched-out debris on the backside of the wall to interfere with a fastener's expanding arm or wings.
Desperate for handguns to equip their expanding armed forces, in 1915 the French approached the firm of Gabilondo y Urresti who offered the French army their Pistola Automatica Ruby.
Half of the workforce in the textile mills was already female, so when the remaining men left the solution was to recruit extra women from outside the traditional textile areas, and they rapidly changed the face of the industry as it strove to provide uniforms and other materials for the rapidly expanding armed forces.
But the demands for rifles to arm the rapidly expanding armed forces and to replace those lost in combat proved more than Steyr and Fegyver es Gepgyar Reszvenytar-sasag (FGGY) in Budapest were capable of providing.
And Israel, with the help of US had grown accustomed to expanding armed Jewish settlements, oppressing the Palestinian population and using them as a cheap labour.
A difficult job ahead The JMP opposition coalition is expected to lead a government in the coming three months, but it is still unclear how such a cabinet will manage the country amidst expanding armed ideological and political conflict in most northern areas of Yemen.
Over the years, Israel's defence industry, which depends on exports to maintain production lines for its own armed forces, became a key supplier of military equipment to Turkey's expanding armed forces.
Over the years, Israel's defense industry, which depends on exports to maintain production lines for its own armed forces, became a key supplier of military equipment to Turkey's expanding armed forces.
Chinese military experts have warned of an expanding arms race in outer space as Beijing and other rival powers seek to counter US ambitions to dominate the heavens.A The United States and other Western nations have criticised China's efforts to build a presence in space, especially a test in January 2007 when it shot down one of its own aged satellites.