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Fine, curled wood shavings, used as packing material.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

excelsior, wood wool

Curly, fine shavings cut from wood.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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For more information on Excelsior, please visit our website at www.excelsiormining.com.
Excelsior Custom Brokerage, which has been in the international freight forwarding, custom brokerage, and trucking business for over 15 years, had been traditionally using Isuzu branded surplus units until it decided to re-fleet with brand-new trucks starting in 2018.
Hannah Cummins, Industry Alignment Manager at Excelsior Academy, said: "We wanted to introduce our students to skills that employers value - confidence, resilience and team work - and raise their aspirations when considering their future careers.
THE PERFECT LOCATION "Excelsior Works is inspired by the past, but designed for today," said James Alderson from developer Mulbury City.
The Excelsior newspapers maintain a combined circulation of nearly 400,000, and are distributed through a mix of home delivery and racks in retails stores in high-density Hispanic neighborhoods.
Our dedicated nurse faculty who administer the CPNE must be master's prepared, are hired by SPAC, and complete orientation and training provided by staff at Excelsior College.
"We've been a well-known and well-respected player in the industry since 1976, and every member of the Excelsior team brings pride and integrity to their work.
The show wowed the 350-strong audience which packed out the school hall which was turned into a Milan-style catwalk, while parents also had the chance to view the pupils' striking artwork adorning the school corridors, listen to Excelsior's school band and watch a tightly choreographed dance routine by pupils.