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Related to dweeb: geek


An even lower form of life than the spod, found in much the same habitat as the former. though more prevailent on talker systems. Unlike spods, upon receiving the desired response to the question "Are you male or female?", dweebs will then engage upon a detailed description of themselves and how wonderful they are, often in the hopes of truly impressing the other with their "charm" and "wit". Nearly all dweebs are male, but very few actually live up to the image that they present. Dweebs, unfortunately, are often the cause of ill-will, and may well bring a bad reputation to the system in question. They are often, however, easy to wind up and can be the source of great mirth to the seasoned user.
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A very technical person. Dweebs sometimes call sales people "slime," anybody interested in technology for profit rather than the art of it. See nerd and geek.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Later in the evening, Themis says to Dweeb, "The acquaintance in whose motor vehicle I traveled to this licensed establishment appears to have retraced our route, and gone back to her abode.
"It's a real shame the council has expressed disapproval towards our digging as myself and Dweeb have been seriously considering asking them for help to set up an exhibition of what we've found.
Although one doesn't have to be an organ dweeb to enjoy All the Stops, one's attention does flag a bit after the deaths of Mr.
The "dweeb," Henry "Stupid" Furlong, all dressed up in his bathrobe and towel to look like Joseph, dragged Sara onto the stage to kneel beside the cradle, stuffed with hay and a plastic doll.
When I taught my first web site workshops four years ago, all people wanted to talk about were Java applets, Shockwave plug-ins and other technographic gewgaws sure to make the web user go "Wow!" If I talked about the importance of strategic messages, integrated links, or - heaven forbid - the active voice, most people in attendance would nod their heads and issue a polite yet dubious look that said, "You poor, passe dweeb."
Editorial pages read like pages edited by dweebs, which is just what our sometime-colleague David Holwerk thought of them when he organized the 1992 NCEW convention in Lexington, Ky., as a Dweeb Fest.
You have been permitted access to the sanctum sanctorum, even though outside the complex you are just another Republican dweeb, attacked by the media, demonized by the popular culture.
The name chosen for the convention of the National Conference of Editorial Writers last fall was Dweeb Fest '92.
Who knew that being a dweeb in high school could have such long-lasting influence on how we see the world and how it sees us?
Sven Goran Eriksson's ex girlfriend locking a bouffanthaired dweeb into a cage.
Written by Ben Elton, the thin storyline revolves around Stuart - a shy dweeb from Detroit - who makes a deal with the devil to switch souls with Rod Stewart.
Is "street cred" even a thing anymore?) 5) I pledge to reintroduce "street cred", "dweeb", "keysies up" and "easy peasy lemon squeezy" into my chat vocabulary in the next year.