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Related to dweeb: geek
An even lower form of life than the spod, found in much the
same habitat as the former. though more prevailent on talker systems. Unlike spods, upon receiving the desired response
to the question "Are you male or female?", dweebs will then
engage upon a detailed description of themselves and how
wonderful they are, often in the hopes of truly impressing the
other with their "charm" and "wit". Nearly all dweebs are
male, but very few actually live up to the image that they
present. Dweebs, unfortunately, are often the cause of
ill-will, and may well bring a bad reputation to the system in
question. They are often, however, easy to wind up and can be
the source of great mirth to the seasoned user.
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A very technical person. Dweebs sometimes call sales people "slime," anybody interested in technology for profit rather than the art of it. See nerd and geek.Copyright © 1981-2019 by The Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher.