As Ptolemy Philopater testified of the African elephant, I then testified of the whale, pronouncing him the most
devout of all beings.
It might seem singular that Nancy--with her religious theory pieced together out of narrow social traditions, fragments of church doctrine imperfectly understood, and girlish reasonings on her small experience--should have arrived by herself at a way of thinking so nearly akin to that of many
devout people, whose beliefs are held in the shape of a system quite remote from her knowledge--singular, if we did not know that human beliefs, like all other natural growths, elude the barriers of system.
Neither divine allowed himself to be conquered, and though the fond mother hoped that her youngest and favourite son would be reconciled to her church--his mother church--a sad and awful disappointment awaited the
devout lady--a disappointment which seemed to be a judgement upon her for the sin of her marriage.
But Sir James Chettam was no longer the diffident and acquiescent suitor: he was the anxious brother-in-law, with a
devout admiration for his sister, but with a constant alarm lest she should fall under some new illusion almost as bad as marrying Casaubon.
This public exhibition of the tulip was an act of adoration rendered by an entire nation, unlettered and unrefined, to the refinement and culture of its illustrious and
devout leaders, whose blood had stained the foul pavement of the Buytenhof, reserving the right at a future day to inscribe the names of its victims upon the highest stone of the Dutch Pantheon.
Prime Minister Imran Khan is a
devout Muslim but does not wear religion on his sleeve, Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry said on Friday.
Summary: New Delhi (India), May 7 (ANI): With the start of the holy month of Ramzan,
devout Muslims prepare to observe intense dawn to dusk fasts
devout Christian, born in Haiti, was sacked after missing six Sunday shifts to attend Bethel Baptist Church in Miami.
devout Muslim, he is an ardent promoter of justice, fair play, morality and good governance.
A spokeswoman for US Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke once argued in a blog that "a
devout Muslim" could never serve as US president because of their religious beliefs, the HuffPost has reported.
Introducing Non-Fiction book Treasures of a Bronx Warrior; Photographs and Memories of a
Devout New Yorker, Movie Star Hopeful and Loving Mother by L.D.
As a non-observant Jew I was always skeptical towards the claim of my more
devout kin-folk that the Temple Mount was the key to the maintenance of Jewish sovereignty over Israel.