designated services

designated services

On a building project, those services that the architect, engineers, and consultants agree to perform.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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We will urge the government to prepare a special digitalisation program for the courts which should be aimed at providing designated services to litigants, lawyers and the judiciary by universal computerization of district and subordinate courts in the country and enhancement of ICT enablement of the justice system.
Once the doctor signs a collaborative practice agreement, Benzer pharmacists can start providing the designated services, such as ordering lab tests, making recommendations on medication therapy and offering education.
The Representative has a three-part mandate: to advocate on behalf of children, youth and young adults to improve their understanding of and access to designated services; to monitor, review audit and publicly report on designated services for children and youth; and to conduct independent reviews and investigations into the critical injuries or deaths of children receiving reviewable services.
As result, the pool of designated services that are actually operational is extremely small in relation to the need for these services, and despair drives women of all ages to conceal and terminate their pregnancies under dangerous and often life-threatening conditions.
The Bubble Unit is one of only two nationally designated services that treats children with little or no immune system.
The Bubble Unit at the Great North Children's Hospital, based at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, is one of only two nationally designated services that treats children with little or no immune system.
The definition proposed within the Nevada regulations is: "Advanced practice registered nurse means a registered professional nurse who has specialized skill, knowledge and experience obtained from an organized formal program of training, and who is authorized in special conditions (NAC 632.255 to 632.295) inclusive, to provide designated services in addition to those which a registered nurse is authorized to perform." (NAC 632.020).
The government has proposed 'designated services', designated by GP consortia so that Monitor can step in to rescue a service if it goes bust.
Pratt said it will use the carrier's line maintenance capabilities as the preferred provider for designated services for PW4000s in Amsterdam.
Under the agreement Pratt & Whitney plans to use Martinair's line maintenance capabilities as the preferred provider for designated services for the PW400 engine in Amsterdam.
Also, as a part of the agreement, Pratt & Whitney plans to use Martinair's line maintenance capabilities as the preferred provider for designated services in Amsterdam for the PW4000 engine.

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