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Politics a member of the legislative assembly or of the lower chamber of the legislature in various countries, such as France
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The relations between Durdles and Deputy are of a capricious kind; for, on Durdles's turning himself about with the slow gravity of beery suddenness, Deputy makes a pretty wide circuit into the road and stands on the defensive.
'Yer lie, I did,' says Deputy, in his only form of polite contradiction.
So they go on; Deputy, as a rear rank one, taking open order, and invading the silence of the hour and place by stoning every wall, post, pillar, and other inanimate object, by the deserted way.
de Villefort, be, as you always are, kind and equitable, and give him back to us soon." This give us sounded revolutionary in the deputy's ears.
"You were at the festival of your marriage?" said the deputy, shuddering in spite of himself.
With the deputy's knowledge of crime and criminals, every word the young man uttered convinced him more and more of his innocence.
'I should recommend your looking 'em up if you consider 'em game to do anything for you,' said the Deputy Lock.
'Well, you know,' said the Deputy Lock, shrugging his shoulders with his hands in his pockets, and shaking his head in a sulkily ominous manner, 'the parish authorities down town will have it out of you, if you go on, you may take your Alfred David.'
What he now wanted was to be made commander of the Legion of honor, gentleman of the bed-chamber, count, and deputy. To be elected deputy it was necessary to pay taxes to the amount of a thousand francs; and the miserable homestead of the des Lupeaulx was rated at only five hundred.
Just then the minister saw a deputy of the Right Centre enter the room, and he left his wife abruptly to cajole an undecided vote.
Claudius Caesar hath set me here Rome's Deputy to be.
"I told you you weren't late," the deputy prosecutor was saying at the moment when Levin moved aside to let the lady pass.

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