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1. suffering from depression
2. characterized by relative economic hardship, such as unemployment
3. (of plant parts) flattened as though pressed from above
4. Zoology flattened from top to bottom
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
As compared to their non-depressed counterparts, depressed fathers are nearly four times more likely to spank their children, claims a study.
THE family of a Swansea rugby player who took his own life after becoming clinically depressed after an injury have called for doctors to "help save lives" by informing loved ones of the condition in future.
Objective: To assess outcomes in surgically managed patients with depressed skull fractures and associated moderate to severe head injury.
Objective: The objective of the current study was to compare the perceptions of depressed and non-depressed lactating mothers regarding breast feeding.
While comparing two generations, the study suggested that grandchildren with depressed parents had twice the risk of MDD compared with non-depressed parents, as well as increased risk for disruptive disorder, substance dependence, suicidal ideation or gesture and poorer functioning.
I think our study highlights the importance of screening for depression in the primary care setting--and if someone's depressed, they need to be treated," said Dr.
TEHRAN (FNA)- Depressive thoughts are maintained for longer periods of time for people with depressed mood, and this extended duration may reduce the amount of information that these individuals can hold in their memory, new research demonstrates.
Adult women who are depressed are more likely to be obese than women who are not depressed at any age.
Imagine if the depressed woman quoted above never got the opportunity to volunteer; imagine how different her life would be.
About 24 percent of participants in this age group reported being depressed over the 12-year period covered by the study, and medical data suggested that 177 had suffered first-time strokes.
Sharma, former head of forensic sciences department at AIIMS, said that if a person lying on bed is hit on his skull with a golf stick from behind, depressed fracture or cracked wound would be inflicted.
Despite the high rates of suicidal behavior in depressed individuals, only a minority of depressed persons actually attempt suicide, so it is important to identify which depressed individuals are at highest risk of suicide.