
(redirected from demonologist)
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the study of demons or demonic beliefs
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



in a number of religions a teaching concerning evil spirits that originated historically from a primitive belief in spirits.

Demonology is most important in religions with a dualistic division of the universe into a world of good and evil (for example, Zoroastrianism and Manichaeism). In later religions that experienced the influence of Zoroastrianism (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) demonology also became an important part of doctrinal belief.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The dictionary covers a field with porous boundaries; as the authors point out in their introduction, demonologists of Shakespeare's time were interested in a variety of phenomena in addition to demons and devils, including ghosts, spirits, angels, astrology, witchcraft, magic, divination and prophecy.
Eric Bana a demonologist Director Scott Derrickson falls back on his book of horror movie cliches, referencing everything from The Exorcist to Child's Play.
Bana plays demonologist Bana plays demonologist But the two-hour running time and formulaic feel means the film never quite takes off.
The production values and cast are first class, and director The production values and cast are first class, and director Bana plays demonologist Bana plays demonologist Guillaume Canet (Tell No One) can handle a shoot-out.
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His most recent novel, The Demonologist (2013), reached #1 on the Globe and Mails best seller list.
Players can take on the role of the Sorcerer, Demonologist, or Beastmaster, all with new spells and creatures, and play any of the nine mages in either the old or the new campaigns.
Along the way, our new friends became a bit more eclectic: a journalist based in Brussels working for a Greek newspaper, an obsessive filmmaker in Malibu, a psychic medium, and a New Hampshire demonologist.
An optimistic demonologist. And I can be tender if I really want to be.
Love went on to develop a reputation as a demonologist and paranormal and occult investigator, and he gave lectures in his field internationally.