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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a ballroom dance of French origin, similar to the contredanse. Known since the 18th century, the cotillion became particularly popular in mid-19th-century Europe, including Russia. It combined several dances (waltz, mazurka, and polka) and was performed by all participants at the end of the ball. The variety of the dance depended on the leading couple: the male dancer signaled the orchestra, called out the figures, and coordinated the movements of the other dancers.


Ivanovskii, N. P. Bal’nyi tanets XVI-XIX vv. Leningrad-Moscow, 1948.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The Cotillion will offer a rare opportunity to see actual Victorian fashion on display.
The program, with headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, was established in 1979 and has licensed local cotillions nationwide.
A couple of talented Falbrav fillies in Dance Fantasia and Forever Mark could prove to be threatening with their two-kilogram handicap, and Makoto Kaneko, the owner of Triple Crown winners Deep Impact and Apapane, aims to capture yet another Grade 1 medal with Cotillion who was the early second choice.
That gets rid of another five, leaving us with just Lady Eclair, Woolfall Treasure, Cotillion and Dazzling Light.
But while gratis screenings are an established part of the annual awards cotillion, they're a lot different from merely going to the movies.
Beginning with her Cotillion training, through high school and into her college experience in New York, Sarah struggles with the dichotomy of being a Camellia yet trying to find herself and her own identity.
She is a member of the Southern Debutante Cotillion and was presented in Montgomery, Alabama, at the Camellia Debutante Ball.
Louis society at the Veiled Prophet Ball, the largest cotillion in the country.
They occasionally clashed in set-piece battles, but more often they remained clenched in a cotillion of maneuver and survival.
An alternative to the struggle is by meeting an existing market demand, such as occurs at the DARPATech conference, an annual cotillion where defense agencies with wish lists are courted by designers and engineers hoping to establish a relationship based on the nuances of defense and security strategies and technologies.