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1. (of a colour) having violet, blue, or green predominating; giving no sensation of warmth
2. Metallurgy denoting or relating to a process in which work-hardening occurs as a result of the plastic deformation of a metal at too low a temperature for annealing to take place
3. (of a process) not involving heat, in contrast with traditional methods
4. an acute viral infection of the upper respiratory passages characterized by discharge of watery mucus from the nose, sneezing, etc.
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

The signs are numbered from 1 to 12 according to their order in the zodiac (i.e., Aries = 1, Taurus = 2, etc.). Cold and hot was one of the sets of categories used in premodern physics, and the ancients classified all even-numbered signs (all water and earth signs) as cold. Traditionally, the Moon and Saturn, and sometimes other planets, were also considered to be cold. The terms hot and cold are infrequently used in modern astrology.

The Astrology Book, Second Edition © 2003 Visible Ink Press®. All rights reserved.


Pertaining to electrical circuits that are disconnected from voltage supplies and at ground potential; opposed to hot, pertaining to carrying an electrical charge.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


A sugared version of COLD-K.


Computer Output to Laser Disk - see Enterprise Report Management.
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(1) Inactive; unused; idle. See cold backup, cold boot and cold swap.

(2) (COLD) (Computer Output to LaserDisc) Archiving large volumes of transactions on a LaserDisc (LD). This early technology was superseded by other forms of optical media (see WORM, magneto-optic disk and DVD-R). See LaserDisc, ERM and computer output microfilm.
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References in classic literature ?
Gently she answered, telling them her errand, beseeching them to let her pass ere the cold wind blighted her frail blossoms.
'I don't know--it is so very cloudy and cold, it seems likely to rain;--and you know I have had a long drive.'
Maimie could also see the pompous doctor feeling the Duke's heart and hear him give utterance to his parrot cry, and she was particularly sorry for the Cupids, who stood in their fools' caps in obscure places and, every time they heard that "Cold, quite cold," bowed their disgraced little heads.
You seek to know where your oxen have run for shelter from the cold! Is it not so?"
And the cold snap came and remained, and Circle City was only two hundred miles away.
Indeed, she almost doubted whether it were a real child after all, or only a light wreath of the new-fallen snow, blown hither and thither about the garden by the intensely cold west-wind.
When supper was over, it took them a long while to get the cold out of their bones.
Yet he was not altogether a fool in his day and generation; being cold and hungry, and still able to walk a little by bending his knees very much indeed and putting his feet down toes first, he decided to enter one of the houses which flanked the street at long intervals and looked so bright and warm.
Elton looked as if he did not very well know what answer to make; which was exactly the case; for though very much gratified by the kind care of such a fair lady, and not liking to resist any advice of her's, he had not really the least inclination to give up the visit; but Emma, too eager and busy in her own previous conceptions and views to hear him impartially, or see him with clear vision, was very well satisfied with his muttering acknowledgment of its being "very cold, certainly very cold," and walked on, rejoicing in having extricated him from Randalls, and secured him the power of sending to inquire after Harriet every hour of the evening.
But melons are not very nutritious, and when we had satisfied our thirst with their pulpy substance, and put a stock to cool by the simple process of cutting them in two and setting them end on in the hot sun to grow cold by evaporation, we began to feel exceedingly hungry.
If a delicate invalid like yourself can bear it, surely my hearty girl can, especially as she is dressed for cold weather," answered Dr.
Cold from its source the stream meanders Darkly down through the oleanders, All night long in dream I lie, Ah me!