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(aerospace engineering)
Improving the external shape and smoothness of an aircraft to reduce its drag.
Gradual disappearance of gases from an electron tube during operation, due to absorption by getter material or the tube structure.
The time required for a leak-testing system to reduce its signal output to 37% of the signal transmitted at the instant when tracer gases enter the system.
(mining engineering)
The collecting of all the valuable product of a given period of operation in a stamp mill or in a hydraulic or placer mine.
The valuable material resulting from a cleanup.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Informing the DENR-NCR as early as possible will help the agency ensure volunteers are well-distributed among the chosen 2019 ICCD cleanup sites and not merely concentrated in any of these locations, she noted.
Panelo said the cleanup would start as soon as funds from the Road Users' Tax are made available.
Boyan Slat, founder and CEO of The Ocean Cleanup, said the project would not have been feasible without partners around the world, including Dubai-based Ecocoast.
'Now in 2018, we expected that cleanup would have started since January, but HYPREP and government officials are giving conflicting cleanup dates, and this is very frustrating.
Proclamation 470 series of 2003 declared the third Saturday of September each year as ICC Day in observance of global coastal cleanup celebrations.
Groundwater monitoring will be conducted to ensure the effectiveness of the cleanup technology.
Chrome Cleanup is included in the latest version of Google Chrome.
Berkoff says the plan will include cleanup of the Zinc Smelter Site itself.
This year's event is part of the International Coastal Cleanup effort and falls on National Public Lands Day.
The first cleanup was initiated in May by environmentalist and Green Abu Dhabi founder Suhail Jashanmal in an endeavour to protect the mangroves, an integral part of the country's coastal ecosystem, at Al Sda Street towards Sea Palace along the New Corniche area.
Blackstone Valley Community Action Program, Pawtucket, $200,000 (cleanup grant, Lonsdale Ave.)