claw chisel

claw chisel

A chisel with a serrated cutting edge; used in cutting stone.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Although these surfaces are now somewhat weathered, the distinctive marks of a claw chisel can be seen on the sides of the abacus and on the echinus (Fig.
Taken with the evidence for the use of the claw chisel, this observation points strongly to a Roman date for the capital.
Additional evidence for the association of these elements that has not been previously noted is that the surface of the drum, like that of the capital, is worked with a claw chisel. That this drum served as an architectural member is beyond doubt, for cuttings on its side show that it originally supported a fencelike parapet.
One of the other reset blocks of the wall preserves traces of claw chisel marks (Fig.
(7.) At the Argive Heraion the use of the claw chisel is not attested for the earliest buildings: the Archaic Temple (second half of the 7th century B.C.?) and the North Stoa (second quarter of 6th century B.C.).
(8.) Poros architectural elements with claw chisel or claw hammer marks are especially abundant among the ruins of Roman buildings at Corinth, whereas earlier poros elements in the Corinthia show no such claw marks.
I imagine the Nabataean artisans relentlessly pounding their picks and claw chisels deep into the towering rock to carve out the two-story building propped on Corinthian columns and bedecked with sacred figures and a massive funerary urn on top.