
celure, ceilure, cellure

1.A decorative ceiling, esp. over the chancel, in medieval church architecture or derivatives.
2. A paneled canopy above an altar or crucifix.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Cultivated from adult human stem cells, Cellure applies a new science to skin care.
According to COO Esther Chang, the stem cell research facility RNL Bio of South Korea developed the Cellure line cream based on its findings.
Jessica Sappenfield, Cellure's general manager, tells HAPPI that what makes her company unique is that it applies a new science to skin care.
With five patents and one powerful response to what ails skin, Cellure works to reverse cell degradation, increase cell regeneration, infuse moisture and smooth wrinkles.