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(naval architecture)
A projection on a ship's bow which supports tackle for hoisting an anchor, and to which the anchor is secured.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


A notched wedge placed between two formwork members meeting at an oblique angle.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Next summer, Cathead will produce 4,000 cases to be distributed across the South, according to co-founder Richard Patrick.
[4] Cathead 248 131 45 * 45 47.1377 47.6548 Venus 1396 711 70 * 70 50.3154 50.5554 Camel 22704 11381 180 * 180 61.4743 56.6976 Foot 19974 10010 180 * 180 66.4185 51.8281 Mannequin 25888 12977 300 * 300 59.0039 50.2263 Model PSNR by Hausdorff error Our model Before AS After AS Cathead 51.7978 0.1379 0.0625 Venus 58.9261 0.8178 0.0577 Camel 71.2418 0.0102 0.0055 Foot 71.3321 0.0170 0.0129 Mannequin 68.4832 1.6027 0.2300 Table 2: Hausdorff error of different models using ROI sampling scheme.
In 2013, work focused on the northern end, in the Silver Lake Wilderness Area, where new trail was constructed along the southwestern slope of Little Cathead Mountain.
The black slinky dresses featuring cathead shoulder pads were the highlight of The Blonds' fashion show at Milk Studios.
During 2000-2011, eight fatal and 27 work-related injuries involving deck winches occurred in the Southern shrimp fleet, which operates in the Gulf of Mexico and off the Atlantic coast from Florida to North Carolina.* Injuries involving the winch drum had a higher risk for fatal outcomes compared with injuries involving the winch cathead. Fatal outcomes also were associated with being alone on the vessel and being alone on deck.
"The plovers are a flagship species for conservation and protection of special places," says Cuthbert--such as shoreline throughout the Great Lakes, including portions of Whitefish Point and Vermillion Point on Lake Superior and habitat near Cross Village, South Fox Island, and Cathead Bay near Lake Michigan.
They attribute much of this major shift in the ecology of the lake to two input sources: 1) the development of an intermittent inflow stream that now runs under I-75 and drains Cathead Lake into Lake Louise, and 2) the development of extensive peripheral wetlands described above.
Miniconjou, Yanktonai, Hunkpapa, Blackfeet, Cathead, Two Kettle, Sans Arcs, and Santee--and Arapaho.
A strong tackle used to hoist an anchor to the cathead of a ship.
Mixon suggests hog hunters start in the northern portion of the area, between Cathead Creek and Mose Lake.
Remember the time Uncle Jimbuddy's severed finger was found in a bushel of cathead oysters?
The reader may not need to know that there are 154 steps up the tower of the Old North Church or see the cathead that was carved on the warship that Revere passed in the moonlight.