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Eating flesh or, as in plants, subsisting on nutrients obtained from animal protoplasm.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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It's embedded in the robust dining scene as well: Chefs here graze freely at a buffet of international influences, sampling a touch of pan-Asian fieriness, borrowing the smoky carnivorousness of Latin American grill culture, absorbing classical French technique and then totally transforming it.
Responding to Lewis's view that carnivorousness is evidence of corruption in both animals and humans, Andrew Linzey finds it remarkable that he does not consider "one obvious way in which humans can reverse the effects of their sinfulness [, namely] by becoming vegetarian or at least by consuming as little sentient life as possible" (Linzey, "C.
Abundant food supply is also a factor increasing growth rates (Nikolsky, 1963), and when it comes to an omnivorous species with a tendency to carnivorousness and that is constantly feeding (Lolis and Andrian, 1996), there are no problems in finding food in the reservoir.