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Politics Business a series of coordinated activities, such as public speaking and demonstrating, designed to achieve a social, political, or commercial goal
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



Russian kampaniia, from the French campagne)

(1) Specially organized work for a certain period, activities aimed at implementing important recurring social and political, economic, or cultural measures (for example, election campaigns, sowing campaigns).

(2) In Russian a word referring to a period of uninterrupted operation of a unit, mechanism, or machine; the duration of its work from the moment it is started until it is stopped for a major overhaul (for example, the kampaniia of a blast furnace).

(3)A military campaign.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Clr After campaigners presented a deputation to a meeting of full council in Huddersfield Town Hall they were told an application had been made for money - likely to be tens of millions of pounds - but that it had not found support.
Last week, Farage said he was warming to the idea of holding a second vote on Britain's membership of the EU to settle the argument -- an idea written off by other Brexit campaigners who urged the government to press on with exit talks with the bloc.
Save Oriel Ceri Richards Gallery campaigners say the university did not consult with stakeholders Artist Shani Rhys James, once described as "arguably one of the most successful painters of her generation", said: "I am very disappointed and concerned about Swansea University's decision to close Oriel Ceri Richards.
CAMPAIGNERS against proposed North-east fracking and underground coal gasification have warned Teessiders not to think this region won't be affected by the controversial new technologies.
Karachi/Peshawar -- Five anti-polio campaigners, four of them women, were gunned down in Karachi in an hour in two separate incidents on Tuesday while two campaigners were hurt in Peshawar.
Given Monsanto's ties to a number of Bush officials, Greenpeace biotechnology campaigners have largely abandoned political lobbying, instead pressuring food manufacturers through consumer action and boycotts.
Saijo, 54, is suspected of hiring more than 20 women to work for him as unregistered campaigners during the campaign period from June 15 to 23.
At the High Court in London, the state-owned power generation company won the right to impose heavy fines on campaigners if they try to disrupt passage of two cargo vessels expected to leave England next week.
Anti-nuclear campaigners were last night digging themselves into underground tunnels as they prepared to fight their eviction from Faslane Peace Camp.
Unfortunately, many political appointments go not to the star campaigner (who may have better offers), but to the star campaigner's brother/son/friend/girlfriend.
Organised by campaigner Raymond McCord senior, the event will take place on November 7 at Queen's University, almost 21 years to the day the Rathcoole man's son was killed by the UVF.

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