cabbage white

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cabbage white

any large white butterfly of the genus Pieris, esp the Eurasian species P. brassicae, the larvae of which feed on the leaves of cabbages and related vegetables: family Pieridae
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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Male monarchs and cabbage whites both vie for mates in what's called scramble competition, essentially a free-for-all race among males.
7 clear caterpillars Hyssop, particularly anise hyssop planted among cabbages and other brassicas, will help deter cabbage whites from landing and laying the eggs which hatch into the caterpillars that munch your crop.
The then owner bought it as a boy in 1951 at a summer fete in the Rutland area with the money (20 shillings) he had just won for collecting the most cabbage white butterflies.
Among the worst-affected crops are cabbages, if the caterpillars which turn into cabbage white butterflies (Pieris brassicae and P.
Of course,among the worst- affected crops are cabbages, if the large and small caterpillars which turn into cabbage white butterflies (Pieris brassicae and P.
Group Cheers and Cabbage White complete the line-up, and while the pair have a bit to find on the clock, they are both well-drawn and must be shown serious respect.
Their presence reminds of those far off balmy summers when their larger cousins, the cabbage white, played havoc with the brassicas planted so fondly by my father.
Early summer can see infestations of carrot fly, while wireworm will make cavities in root veg and potato tubers and cabbage white larvae play havoc with your brassicas.
Cabbage White sat in second, but he failed to hold Awesome Impact and the latter slipped into second at halfway before setting off in chase of the leader.
You'll find the collection stocked at Cabbage White, Smethwick; Designs on You, Sutton Coldfield; Harborne Beauty Clinic; and Bellissima, Edgbaston.
BIT OF EFFORT-KEEP an eye out for cabbage white caterpillars.