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Related to bright: Bright Futures


a thin flat paintbrush with a straight sharp edge used for highlighting in oil painting


John. 1811--89, British liberal statesman, economist, and advocate of free trade: with Richard Cobden he led the Anti-Corn-Law League (1838--46)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Referring to lubricating oils that are clear, or free from moisture.
Attribute of an area that appears to emit a large amount of light.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


Descriptive of freshly cut lumber or veneer which is not discolored.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Guided by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) approach in a Montessori setting, Bright Kids Nursery's curriculum is broad, balanced, and highly inspiring.
GulfStar Group and Snell & Wilmer LLP advised Bright International.
'Our five founding board members each have a long history of philanthropy and partnerships with nonprofit medical organizations, and they bring their strengths, unique expertise, and passion together through Bright Faces to help these patients receive the expert care they deserve,' said Bright Faces Chairman William Fox.
ISOCELL Bright GM2 is a 48Mp image sensor that also adopts Tetracell technology in low-light environments and a remosaic algorithm in well-lit settings, bringing highly-detailed pictures with natural and vivid colors.
In the past three years, Bright has taught leadership and regulatory subjects to pharmacists around Arkansas.
Joe Langdon, of Bright Star, showed real quality and accuracy, including some crisp body work, in unanimously outpointing D Bettley (New Era).
And while a recent economic bear market prompted a Bright Start newsletter urging members to "focus on the long term," neither the skyrocketing costs of college expenses nor the state's poor financial situation have not stopped people from signing up.
'As one of the pioneer award-giving bodies in agriculture journalism, Bright Leaf continues to honor and give due recognition to journalists and photographers, who are the people behind the stories that pay tribute to the struggles and successes of our country's farmers and other producers.
"Bright" is Netflix's first big-budget, tentpole-style release, with estimates that it cost at least $90 million to produce.
"The mysterious bright spots on Ceres, which have captivated both the Dawn science team and the public, reveal evidence of Ceres' past subsurface ocean, and indicate that, far from being a dead world, Ceres is surprisingly active.
Bright Technologies focuses on colossal sequential workloads in M&E.
Speaking on an awards distribution ceremony titled 'Bright Star Awards', he said that communities are an important part of health system and we need to realize that there are found several positive deviants within the communities playing their role in finding local solutions to the health problems.