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the Paris stock exchange. [Fr. Commerce: Misc.]
See: Finance
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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With participation from representatives of broker member firms, the semi-annual meeting is part of a series of meetings conducted at regular intervals aimed at providing an open channel of communication and enhancing collaboration between the broker members, the Central Bank of Bahrain and Bahrain Bourse to address various topics of interest and enhance Bahrain Bourse market.
En effet, au niveau mondial, sur 850 entreprises, 15 introductions en bourse ont ete realisees contre 534 transactions corporate.
In addition, the bourse will provide National Hotels Company with online services that include real-time shareholding confirmations with the percentage of investors' holdings' dealings, investors' account statements, and other periodical reports.
According to the agreement, Bahrain Bourse will provide Al Baraka Banking Group with a variety of services that includes maintaining a record of the share register that holds the shares in electronic form, and updating the data of the registry resulted from dealing on the company's shares in accordance with the rules and regulations of Bahrain Bourse.
atteindre un milliard de dollars capitale bourse a la fin 2016 [beaucoup moins que] Notre capital bourse ne depasse pas les 15 milliards de dinars actuellement.
Notons que la Bourse de Tunis a donne, a la fin de l'annee 2013 son accord de principe quant a l'admission des actions de la societe Sotipapier au marche principal de la cote de la Bourse.
The trading value of derivatives on the Tokyo bourse totals 5 trillion yen to 6 trillion yen a day, according to the bourse operator.
A presentation, highlighting key elements of Bahrain Bourse's strategy approved by the bourse's management was staged.
The plan to market huge quantities of crude on the Kish bourse was billed last year as a major Iranian initiative to take control of the market away from the West.
Manama, May 6 (BNA): The Supreme Council of Women (SCW) and Bahrain Bourse organised a session targeting female beneficiaries of the early retirement pension programme.