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The joining together of atoms to form molecules or crystalline salts.
The use of low-resistance material to connect electrically a chassis, metal shield cans, cable shielding braid, and other supposedly equipotential points to eliminate undesirable electrical interaction resulting from high-impedance paths between them.
The fastening together of two components of a device by means of adhesives, as in anchoring the copper foil of printed wiring to an insulating baseboard.
The formation of an emotional attachment between two people whose identities are significantly affected by their mutual interactions.
The joining of two fabrics, usually a face fabric and a lining fabric.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


The act of connecting the various structural metal parts of a metal enclosure or vehicle (as in an aircraft or automobile) so that these parts form a continuous electrical unit. Bonding serves to minimize or eliminate interference, such as that caused by ignition systems. It also prevents buildup of static electricity on one part of the structure, which can, by subsequent discharge to other parts, cause static interference. Bonding is achieved by bolting the parts together in such a way as to achieve good electrical contact or by connecting them with heavy copper cables or straps.

Bonding also refers to the fastening together of two pieces by means of adhesives, as in anchoring the copper foil of printed wiring to an insulating baseboard. See Adhesive

McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Engineering. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. The connecting together of all the electrical grounds in a system to eliminate differences in ground potential between them.
2. The interconnecting of cable sheaths and sheaths of adjacent conductors so there is no potential difference between the metal parts which are grounded.
3. The connecting of a gas pipe system to an acceptable grounding electrode as specified by the National Electrical Code or other applicable code.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


The act of connecting all metal parts of the aircraft to secure good electrical continuity and so avoid the undesirable effects of static electricity.
An Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved


Tying two or more devices together to function as one. See channel bonding, and ISDN.
Copyright © 1981-2019 by The Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



with regard to textile materials, the joining and fastening of materials with threads and glue or under pressure after glazing of the joining surface of one of the materials. Most often, two fabrics (synthetic, wool, metallized, or cotton fabrics) are glued together, or one surface of polyurethane foam is glazed and joined under pressure with a fabric or knitted material. Bonding gives textile materials new properties, such as water or light impermeability or crease resistance. Bonded materials are used to make men’s, women’s, and children’s overcoats, suits, and special-purpose clothing.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
In order for high strength fibers to improve the strength and other properties of composites, there must be sufficient compatibility and bonding between the fibers and matrix to facilitate effective stress transfer.
Chemlok 205 is best known as a primer for natural rubber bonding but it is also an NBR adhesive.
The elimination of a primer from the bonding process is possible with the new adhesive, dependent upon the basic bondability of the EPDM membrane and desired peel and shear values.
With solvent adhesives In laboratory tests, hot bonding of Alcryn to polychloroprene has been accomplished with the EP 4802-75 adhesive system, using the following procedure:
The elements determined by analysis are typical components of a bonding agent, namely chlorine and bromine, as well as zinc and sulfur which are typical for the rubber matrix.
Four are methyl methacrylates for bonding PVC, ABS, polycarbonate, nylon, and composities.
The bond between the interlay film (in this case corona-treated polypropylene) and most generic PSAs is permanent and strong, with bonding strengths published by the tape supplier.
BFGoodrich is working on softer grades of its Estane TPU for bonding, according to Kevin Gase, engineering manager of custom molding.
Morris of the University of Toronto in Ontario has also identified molecules with dihydrogen bonding. It's likely that there are other cases in which these forces exist, but they haven't yet been recognized, he says.
Experts from North America and Europe will present the latest adhesives and bonding techniques, according to Rapra.
Now, a team of researchers has obtained experimental evidence that for the first time pinpoints the transition in ice from covalent molecular bonding to complete hydrogen bonding.
Much of the reported work in literature, and especially recent conferences, has been concerned with bonding of rubbers to substrates in a wide variety of combinations.