bobby socks

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bobby socks

female short socks that epitomized 1940s teen fashion. [Am. Cult.: Misc.]
See: Fads
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Caroline Dominey, from Waterstones, first met the pair when Bedpans & Bobby Socks was published and said that all Barbara's books sold well at the store.
BOBBY SOCKS 'EM: Zamora scores the winning penalty, which saw Rovers vent their fury at Clattenburg (inset)
We wore pants and long-sleeved shirts; the girls wore skirts and blouses with bobby socks and saddle shoes.
I changed into my American jeans, lumberjacket, bobby socks and blue suede shoes and cycled the three miles to the airport base.
Male mourners donned teddy boy jackets, drainpipe trousers and sported quiffs while women wore brightly-coloured skirts, beehives and bobby socks for the service at Lodge Hill Crematorium.
It's a whole lot easier than folding a dollar into their bobby socks.
Designed to resemble a 1930s soda fountain, the style of the cafes is sufficiently authentic that it would not be a surprise to see a group of female teenagers in sweaters, saddle shoes and bobby socks gulping down their sodas there.
Is yoga becoming a permanent part of mainstream culture or has it reached the pinnacle of its success, soon to be a passing phase, like fondue pots and bobby socks?
roll up your jeans, put on your bobby socks, sweaters, scarves, poodle skirts, leather jackets and shades and boogie on down ...
So many girls wore white rolled anklets called bobby socks that they became known as "bobby-soxers." Teens also began to choose their own music.