Crotalocrinitids lived in high-energy environments with unstable and variable currents, a setting characteristic of very mobile water moving in varying directions, characteristic of the reef and
bioherm conditions.
The video images were used to position the grab to sample on the
bioherm. Forty-nine samples were obtained with the Van Veen grab.
schmitti population analyzed here occupy the largest tubes at their disposal in the
bioherm, and size in both sexes was positively correlated with tube opening, suggesting that crabs must change their housing with growth (Gherardi and Cassidy, 1994b).
Shallow ramp facies:
Bioherm bearing massive micrite having interbeds of thin bedded mud-intercalated micrite, forming subtidal type meter-scale cycle, 21m thickness (forming FRST).
Grainy microhermal mounds are a kind of
bioherm previously unrecognized in Jurassic rocks.
Several microfacies were identified through this 1.9 m thick
bioherm (Figs 2B, 3).
Elevated areas without influx of terrigenous material have organogenicdetrital limestones and
bioherms with varied faunas.
The fossilized calcimicrobes are the calcification product of the cyanobacteria dominated microbial mats, which provide a clue of microbial activities and show that the microbialitic
bioherms might be a product of the cyanobacterial refined precipitation together with other calcimicrobes.
The mounds are made up of Halimeda
bioherms. A common green algae, Halimeda consists of living calcified segments.
(1982): Cryptalgal-metazoan
bioherms of early Ordovician age in the St.
However, true coral reefs are
bioherms marked by long-term development, growth, and in Dominica by greater coral diversity than rocky habitats (Steiner 2003).