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(US), ax
1. a hand tool with one side of its head forged and sharpened to a cutting edge, used for felling trees, splitting timber, etc.
2. the axe Informal
a. dismissal, esp from employment; the sack (esp in the phrase get the axe)
b. Brit severe cutting down of expenditure, esp the removal of unprofitable sections of a public service
3. US slang any musical instrument, esp a guitar or horn
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

What does it mean when you dream about an axe?

Axes have a complex range of meanings. Their meaning must be determined from the larger context of any particular dream. Axes are symbols of execution (beheading), and can therefore represent anxieties about being punished or killed. We also speak about being “axed” from our position of employment (job anxiety). In ancient times, axes were made from meteorites, and they were associated with the divinities of the sky and the power expressed by rain (fertility), thunder (power), and lightning (illumination). In the hands of the dreamer, axes are thus symbols of personal power; how they are utilized shows how the individual is using or misusing his or her power.

The Dream Encyclopedia, Second Edition © 2009 Visible Ink Press®. All rights reserved.


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References in classic literature ?
Thereupon the Wicked Witch enchanted my axe, and when I was chopping away at my best one day, for I was anxious to get the new house and my wife as soon as possible, the axe slipped all at once and cut off my left leg.
When I began chopping again, my axe slipped and cut off my right leg.
She thought of a new way to kill my love for the beautiful Munchkin maiden, and made my axe slip again, so that it cut right through my body, splitting me into two halves.
He rushed at her with the axe; her mouth twitched piteously, as one sees babies' mouths, when they begin to be frightened, stare intently at what frightens them and are on the point of screaming.
Glancing, however, into the kitchen and seeing a bucket half full of water on a bench, he bethought him of washing his hands and the axe. His hands were sticky with blood.
"He must be a big, fat man," thought Raskolnikov, squeezing the axe in his hand.
At any rate, dropping the /tolla/, he snatched at the axe, which was fastened to Twala's wrist by a strip of buffalo hide, and still rolling over and over, they fought for it like wild cats, drawing their breath in heavy gasps.
The girl's words so inspired the Prince with confidence that he told her all his tale of woe, and ended up by asking her advice as to how he was to escape the punishment the Fairy would be sure to inflict on him when she discovered that he had not cut down the trees in the wood and that he had broken her axe.
His astonishment was great when he awoke to find the glass axe whole and unbroken at his side, and all the trees of the wood lying felled around him!
She was much amazed when she heard that all the wood was cut down, and saw the axe unbroken in his hand, and since she could not believe that he had done all this by himself, she questioned him narrowly if he had seen or spoken to the black girl.
The Scarecrow stepped forward and confronted her, while the Tin Woodman leaned upon his axe and the others formed a half-circle back of his Majesty's person.
The Tin Woodman's axe was snatched from his grasp by some person behind him, and he found himself disarmed and helpless.