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Related to application: application form, job application
1. something, such as a healing agent or lotion, that is applied, esp to the skin
2. Logic maths the process of determining the value of a function for a given argument
3. short for application program, applications package
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
[‚ap·lə′kā·shən] (computer science)
A computer program that performs a specific task, for example, a word processor, a Web browser, or a spread sheet.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
(2)This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing (
(1) Software that is used for business or entertainment. The terms "application," "application program," "software application" and simply "app" may refer to virtually any type of program from spreadsheets such as Excel to media players such as iTunes to virtual reality games such as Second Life. However, the term specifically excludes essential control software such as the operating system (see system software).One or Many Files
In the computer, an application can be made up of a single executable file or hundreds of files, which includes additional software modules, configuration files and ancillary data files. See application program and application software.
(2) A particular purpose for using technology; for example, "a banking application." An application can refer to a functional category such as payroll and billing or to a business category such as manufacturing and retail. It may also refer to scientific and medical categories. Using both #1 and #2 definitions, the phrase "this application is used in medical applications" is correct.
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