* Research allelochemicals and write a report on one type of allelochemical interaction that is beneficial to the plant and detrimental to a pest (kairomone or
It has been suggested that the longer-chained aliphatic acids found in arthropod
allomone blends serve to improve the penetration of the shorter-chained acids (Eisner et al., 2005).
At least one species of nudibranch incorporates a defensive
allomone into its benthic spawn mass (12), although the location within eggs or extraembryonic investments is unknown.
In the eastern lubber grasshopper, Romalea microptera (Beauvois), the secretion contains a mixture of chemicals such as various phenols and quinones, plant derived
allomones, and the sesquiterpenoid, romallenone, but the exact mixture of these chemicals is variable among individuals (Jones et al.
allomones in the three species of Hypselodoris (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) from the Cantabrian Sea.
In Phytochemical Ecology: Allelochemicals, Mycotoxins and Insect Pheromones and
Allomones (Chou, C.
2003) acting as
allomones, either as suppressants, deterrents or anorexigenics (Warthen and Morgan 1990).
This observation implies that the solo guppies are responding to a chemical signal given off by a "scared" guppy or to chemical signals, called
allomones, given off by an anticipatory predator.
Nest plundering
allomones of the fire bee, Trigona (Oxytrigona) mellicolor.
Some terpenes are used by insect pests as precursors for essential messenger molecules (
tabaci adult's ability to react to plant substances (Walker and Gordh 1989) as well as the types of
allomones to which they could respond (Warthen and Morgan 1990) and how their effects could be recognized (Walker and Perring 1994) have been discussed elsewhere (Flores et al.