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any substance capable of inducing an allergy
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Any antigen, such as pollen, a drug, or food, that induces an allergic state in humans or animals.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The complete reversal of the AAP recommendations were based on a review of published scientific studies that showed there is no convincing evidence that delaying the introduction of allergenic foods beyond four to six months of age prevent food allergies.
Analysis of allergenic proteins by Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel: Allergenic proteins of different molecular weight were determined by using 12% SDS-PAGE.
After concentration of their protein fractions, the fraction 2 was shown the allergenic activity by Immunoblotting.
It was not unusual prior to the hurricanes to use the 3rd or even 2nd dilutions (carrying strong allergenic concentration) as the first injection when testing molds with IDT in healthy patients.
To prevent cross-contamination during manufacturing, allergenic and non-allergenic runs should be performed separately, either as a result of scheduling or dedicated lines.
The egg is made up of various proteins, many of which are highly allergenic. The four major allergenic proteins are ovomucoid, ovalbumin, ovotransfferin and lysozyme.
FDA first raised awareness about adverse reactions from allergenic substances in food in a Notice to Manufacturers entitled "Label Declaration of Allergenic Substances in Foods" in 1996.
Comprehensive labelling of allergenic food ingredients is therefore essential in order to provide consumers, and in particular sensitive individuals, with the information they require in selecting appropriate food.
If these initial screens suggest that a transgenic protein is allergenic, companies can use serum testing for further confirmation.
Washington, Feb 22 (ANI): A new study has found that boiling shrimp for 10 minutes may reduce allergenic properties of total shrimp extracts.
These are the allergenic ingredients that must be indicated on a label if known to be present in a food product.
and the rubber found in underwear elastic forms a compound that is allergenic. A change in detergent or bleach will solve this problem.