Adjutant General

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Adjutant General


(Russian, general-ad”iutant), a high military rank in Russia from the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th. It was established by the Military Statute of 1716. In the 18th century adjutants general were in the service of the tsar, field marshals and their assistants, and full generals. They fulfilled adjutant duties and did clerical work. Adjutants general on duty managed the army personnel and decoration questions in the time of Catherine II. From the beginning of the 19th century the rank of adjutant general became one of the titles in the imperial suite. This rank came to be granted for military service and state activity.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Consequently, while reminding these officers that courts-martial panels imposed their sentences by "secret, written ballot" and "according to the evidence and the dictates of their conscience," Ulio recommended that "commanders take positive steps to inculcate proper conceptions and standards of court-martial procedure." As The Adjutant General put it, "division commanders and other general courts-martial convening authorities" should: (1) "personally interview" new court members; (2) "discuss principles" of good order and discipline; (3) "and review past errors on the part of courts-martial." (10)
The Army's premier doctrinal source for personnel support, FM 1-0, contains the words "human resources" 93 times and the acronym "HR" 986 times, compared to 12 and 10 appearances for the words "adjutant general" and the acronym "AG," respectively.
Brian Tarbet, Utah's adjutant general, said his state has certainly learned a lot from its partner, Morocco.
But three months after arriving home, the Adjutant General of West Virginia asked him to become commander of the state's first Air National Guard squadron.
The chief clerk in the Adjutant General's Corps in the 145 Brigade takes up her new job in the summer by which time she will have been fitted with her pounds 1000 uniform.
The Adjutant General, Lieutenant General Freddie Viggers - the Army's principal personnel officer - said: "The British Army has taken these allegations extremely seriously and they have been extensively and sensitively examined."
Morrow (Ret.), long-time adjutant general of the Arkansas National Guard, will be the keynote speaker at the second annual Veterans in Business conference on Aug.
House candidate Martha Rainville, the former adjutant general of the Vermont National Guard.
The MBE recognises his work in the Adjutant General Corps which specialises in personnel and administrative matters.
Kulongoski, who took office in January, told Burgin in March he would not reappoint him as the Oregon National Guard's adjutant general, Glynn said.
Hengeveld, Deputy Adjutant General, Department of Military and Veterans Affairs; Adjutant John W.
Win Myint, adjutant general and secretary (3) of the ruling junta, and Tin Hla, quartermaster general and deputy prime minister as well as minister for Military Affairs in the junta's cabinet, were dismissed for unstated reasons as were two other deputy premiers and three ministers.