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See also Genius.
(fl. 14th century B.C.) pictured as bearded man holding papyrus roll. [Ancient Egypt. Art: Parrinder, 18]
Athena (Rom. Minerva)
goddess of wisdom. [Gk. and Rom. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 713]
Augustine, St
. (354–430) patron saint of scholars; voluminous theological author. [Christian Hagiog.: Brewster, 384–385]
most beautiful, luminescent, and wise god. [Norse Myth.: Parrinder, 40]
blue salvia
traditional symbol of wisdom; indicates mature judgment. [Flower Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 177]
knowledge by which one attains Nirvana. [Buddhism: Parrinder, 48]
god of wisdom, poetry, and eloquence. [Norse Myth: Parrinder, 50]
knowledgeable Centaur; instructed Achilles, Jason, and Asclepius. [Gk. Myth.: Parrinder, 62]
(551–479 B.C.) Chinese philosopher and writer. [Chinese Hist.: Parrinder, 65]
god of wisdom; counterpart of Akkadian Ea. [Sumerian Myth.: Parrinder, 90]
Japanese god of wisdom. [Jap. Myth.: Leach, 427]
wisdom god having a human body and an elephant head. [Hindu Myth.: Leach, 440]
symbol of sagacity. [Color Symbolism: Jobes, 356]
“wise man”; legendary founder of Iroquois Confederacy. [Am. Hist.: Jameson, 229; Am. Lit.: “Hiawatha” in Benét, 466]
St. Latin doctor of Church; preeminent biblical scholar. [Christian Hagiog.: Attwater, 185]
guardian of well of wit and wisdom. [Norse Myth.: Wheeler, 244]
god of sagacity; inventor of writing. [Babyl. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 749]
sage counselor and just king of Pylos. [Gk. Hist.: Wheeler, 257; Gk. Lit.: Iliad]
god; drank from fountain, became all-knowing. [Norse Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 774]
associated with Athena, goddess of wisdom. [Gk. Myth.: Hall, 231]
(427–347 B.C.) Greek philosopher revered for wisdom. [Gk. Hist.: NCE, 2165]
High Priest represents benevolent guidance. [Ger. Opera: Mozart The Magic Flute in Benét, 619]
early form of manuscript; symbolic of learning. [Christian Symbolism: Appleton, 85]
(469–399 B.C.) wise and respected teacher adept at developing latent ideas. [Gk. Hist.: EB, 16: 1001–1005]
invested by God with unprecedented sagacity. [O.T.: I Kings 3:7–13; 4:29–34]
tree of the knowledge of good and evil
eat of its fruit and know all. [O. T.: Genesis 2:9; 3:6]
white mulberry
traditional symbol of wisdom. [Tree Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 176]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
(12) The equivalence between musar and paideia also appears between the Greek version and Hebrew fragments of the Book of Ben Sira as well as in the pseudepigraphic work known as the Wisdom of Solomon, both Second Temple period wisdom texts evincing strong Greco-Roman influence.
Of course, there are Semitic uses of a concept like "Word" or "Word of God" that appear in the Old Testament, and some have linked a description of the destroying angel of Exodus who bears God's judgment as the "word of God" to the book of Revelation and the Wisdom of Solomon.
Concentrating on the figure of Wisdom in Proverbs, the Song of Solomon, the deutero-canonical Ecclesiasticus and the Wisdom of Solomon, and, as well, on the figure of Mary in Luke and of Ecclesia in the Pauline epistles, this study examines crucial texts in the writings of Donne, Lanyer, and Milton as each "portrays the feminine as a reflection of the divine, and woman ...
They--and we--need the wisdom of Solomon to resolve this divisive dilemma.
"The Wisdom of Solomon: A Soloman Lapp and Friends Amish Storybook" tells the story of young Solomon and Sara Lapp as they deal with the stress and challenges of everyday Amish life.
President Bush, showing something less than the wisdom of Solomon, tried to split the difference by funding research on existing stem-cell lines.
How to continue high-quality care to the more than 90% of qualified veterans while providing trained, personalized care to that percent needing specialized services will require the wisdom of Solomon. We believe Secretary Shinseki has the ability to do these things.
Sirach 24:1-12; Wisdom of Solomon 10:15-21; Ephesians 1:3-14; John 1:1-18
If they go out of business in the next week or so it will take the wisdom of Solomon to come up with some emergency plan to finish the season.
Rex educates and speaks so much sense, and he has the wisdom of Solomon.
The wisdom of Solomon is that she knows how to present her considerable talent and engaging personality in just the right way to entertain a cabaret audience.