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Related to Welland: Welland Canal
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a city in Canada, in the southern part of the province of Ontario, on the Welland Ship Canal, which connects Lake Ontario to Lake Erie, bypassing the Niagara River and Niagara Falls. Population, 44,400 (1971). Welland is an important center for the production of iron alloys. The city is the location of Canada’s largest tube-rolling plant, which has a capacity of 540,000 tons. Welland also produces carburetors, textiles, and chemical products.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Commenting on the appointments, Grant Welland, EVP for CEMA, BBC Studios, said: "In a rapidly changing market, the combination of a senior management team who are experts in their field, and well-connected teams based in local markets will give us the focus, consistency and effectiveness that we need to evolve and grow our presence in the CEMA market."
Around four miles of the Welland near Peakirk north of Peterborough, close to Deeping Lakes nature reserve, is believed to have been affected.
Welland was right when he said we were coming, and the invasion shows no sign of stopping.
(1) Welland became one of the UE'S success stories.
Giving evidence as CCTV footage of the incident was being played, Debenham's supervisor Mr Welland said Lachiri had tampered with the security tag on the aftershave, covering it with his mobile phone while walking out of the store.
And now, 100 years later, a reminder from that battlefield has been restored and preserved by the Lincoln and Welland Regiment Foundation.
Welland: editions Soleil publishing, 1998, e Uova sbattute ...
But Colin Welland, who died this week at the age of 81, was both a Brit and a Scouser - and used many locations around his home town as inspiration for his work.
OSCAR-WINNING writer and actor Colin Welland has died, aged 81, after suffering from Alzheimer's.
OSCAR-WINNING writer and actor Colin Welland, who was born in Lancashire, has died aged 81, his family has announced.
Location: Welland City Hall, 60 East Main Street, Welland