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a small town in central Belgium, in Walloon Brabant province south of Brussels: battle (1815) fought nearby in which British and Prussian forces under the Duke of Wellington and Blücher routed the French under Napoleon. Pop.: 29 003 (2004 est.)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


site of Napoleon’s defeat (1815). [Fr. Hist.: Harbottle Battles, 266]
See: Battle


British victory in Belgium signals end of Napoleon’s domination (1815). [Fr. Hist.: Harbottle Battles, 266]
See: Defeat
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a village in Belgium in Brabant Province, south of Brussels. Population over 10,000.

On June 18, 1815, the army of Napoleon I was defeated at Waterloo by the British and Prussian troops (at the end of the so-called One Hundred Days). Napoleon with his army of 120,000 entered Belgium with the intention of defeating in detail the Anglo-Dutch army commanded by the British field marshal A. Wellington and the Prussian Army of the Lower Rhine commanded by Field Marshal G. L. Blücher. On June 16 at Ligny he defeated the Prussian army and ordered Marshal Grouchy’s corps of 33,000 men to pursue it. Grouchy acted indecisively and on June 18 failed to reach Waterloo to help the French army. Napoleon sent his main forces, numbering 72,000 men, to Waterloo against the British army of 68,000 men. The persistent frontal attacks of the French troops were repelled with heavy losses for the French. In the heat of battle the Prussian troops came up from the east and with a flank attack decided the outcome of the battle. The French lost 32,000 men and all their artillery; the allies lost 23,000 men. The disorderly retreat of the French turned into a rout. Napoleon abandoned the remnants of his army and fled to Paris.

At Waterloo, Napoleon displayed indecision and made a number of mistakes (such as poorly organizing reconnaissance and communication, making faulty estimates of the situation, and extending infantry columns too deeply). An important factor was the loss of morale in the French army, caused by serious economic and political crises in the Napoleonic Empire. As a result of this crushing defeat at Waterloo, the Napoleonic Empire suffered its final downfall. A monument has been erected at Waterloo to the Battle of 1815.


Mering, F. Ocherki po istorii voin i voennogo iskusstva, 6th ed. Moscow, 1956.
Levitskii, N. A. Polkovodcheskoe iskusstvo Napoleona. Moscow, 1938.
Tarle, E. V. Napoleon. Moscow, 1957.



a city in the northern USA, in the state of Iowa, on the Cedar River. Population, 73,000 (1975; 130,000 including suburbs). Waterloo is the trade and transportation center of an agricultural region in which corn and oats are grown and livestock is raised. Industry is represented by food processing, metalworking, and the production of agricultural machinery.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
'Oktoberfest is the best time of year for beer,' said George Croft, President and CEO, Waterloo Brewing.
A little Black Dress 070319 Waterloo (1) The Waterloo Tavern
Waterloo had first use of the gale and were soon off the mark with a Darragh O'Brien penalty.
Here We Go Again' its producers were attempting to break the Guinness World Records title for the world's largest disco dance in Waterloo, London.
With trains running to Liverpool city centre every 15 minutes and a wealth of desirable schools, families are hoping to get their children in to, Waterloo has become an increasingly appealing alternative to some of Merseyside's more traditional property hotspots.
John Froelich kept tinkering, but the other principals in the company prioritized the manufacture of Waterloo Boy stationary gas engines since they sold well.
WATERLOO HIRE Waterloo Hire is a family-run business first established in 1998.
The Manchester actor, who played bad boy pupil Donte Charles in the BBC One school drama set in Rochdale, took to Twitter to say 'bring back Waterloo Road' and jokingly suggest that he could come back in a different role in the show.
The company says many high profile property developments, including City University, The Library of Birmingham and Dublin Airport have all benefitted from the test lab and few companies can match Waterloo's facilities which offer acoustic and air flow solutions.
Waterloo: The History of Four Days, Three Armies, and Three Battles may represent best-selling fiction author Cornwell's first venture into nonfiction; but it's a powerful work focusing on a pivotal point in history that has long interested him, and Waterloo thus pairs his ability to bring drama and intrigue to life with an in-depth collection of facts about Waterloo, already a hit best-seller in the UK and being published in the U.S.
GARRY OWEN NEWSBOY NEWSBOY GARRY OWEN NEWSBOY 1.30 - alhaban 2.00 - king bertie 2.30 - flavius victor 3.05 - waterloo DOCK 3.40 -DUBAWI ISLAND 4.10 -FULL SWING 4.40 -DAZZLING VALENTINE 1.30 -YOURINTHEWILL 2.00 -KING BERTIE 2.30 -FOR SHIA AND LULA 3.05 -WATERLOO DOCK 3.40 - dubawi island 4.10 - full swing 4.40 - stylistickhill