Warwick, Earl of

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Warwick, Earl of


(Richard Neville). Born Nov. 22, 1428; died Apr. 14, 1471, at Barnet. English political and military figure.

A prominent feudal lord (count), Warwick was involved in the War of the Roses and in a series of dynastic coups. He has gone down in history as the “Kingmaker.” Originally, Warwick supported the house of York. However, after the victory of York at Northampton in 1460, Warwick, preferring a weak king, prevented the capture of the king by Richard of York and managed to keep the insane Henry VI of Lancaster on the throne. In 1461, Warwick was one of the organizers of a coup in favor of Edward IV of York. Dissatisfied with Edward’s efforts to control the barons, Warwick went over to the Lancastrians and forced Edward to flee from England. In October 1470 he restored Henry VI to the throne, having become virtual ruler of the country, with the title of deputy to the king. In April 1471, Warwick was defeated at Barnet by Edward IV, who had returned to England. Warwick died in the battle.


Kendall, P. M. Warwick the Kingmaker. New York, 1957.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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