Volga Region

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Volga Region


(Povolzh’e), the territory adjoining the middle and lower courses of the Volga or lying close to the river and economically associated with it. The Volga Region comprises two distinct areas: the comparatively high right bank with the Volga Upland, and the left bank, called the Trans-Volga Region. In terms of natural features, areas along the upper course of the Volga, extending from its headwaters to the mouth of the Oka, are sometimes included in the Volga Region.

As a result of the economic zoning of the European USSR, the Volga Economic Region was established. It includes Ul’ianovsk, Penza, Kuibyshev, Saratov, Volgograd, and Astrakhan oblasts and the Tatar, Bashkir, and Kalmyk ASSR’s. The first three oblasts and the Tatar ASSR are usually included in the Middle Volga Region, and the remaining oblasts and the Kalmyk ASSR are assigned to the Lower Volga Region. The Bashkir ASSR is sometimes viewed as part of the Urals Economic Region, to which it belonged until 1963.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
It permits to compare this chronology with the results of [.sup.14]C dating of the Pit-Comb Ware samples from the Middle Volga region carried out at the laboratory of the Institute of Environmental Geochemistry under NAS of Ukraine in Kiev.
According to the technological analysis of the ceramics of Pit-Comb type from the forested Middle Volga region, it is made of silty clay with organic solution admixture (Tolpygina 2016, 178 ff.).
This article presented the chronology of the monuments with Pit-Comb Ceramics of the forested Middle Volga region. It is based not only on radiocarbon dates, but also on other data (typology of ceramics and stone tools, comparison with other cultures, etc.).
Within the course of the project sessions the experts in the field of international cooperation, customs logistics and foreign economic activity, multimodal transportations, truck deliveries and warehouse logistics demonstrated that the modern condition of the transport and logistics infrastructure of the Volga region would have a significant development prospect on the unified regional platform.
The participants expressed the opinion that the cooperation of transport and logistics companies can be promoted by formation of the logistics platform of the Volga region as a format of efficient cooperation of regional companies.