Military Frontier

(redirected from Vojna Krajina)
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Military Frontier


(Serbo-Croatian, vojna krajina; German, Militargrenze), a region of the Hapsburg monarchy bordering on Turkey; it was governed by a military administration.

The Military Frontier included part of Croatia and southern Hungary. It existed as a separate region beginning in the early 19th century. Directly subordinated to the Austrian government, the Military Frontier was divided into generalates and regimental, company, and communal districts. Most of the inhabitants of the Military Frontier were Serbs and Croats and were called granicars. They received a plot of land from the government, in return for which they did military and civilian services and paid taxes. In 1873 the Military Frontier was demilitarized and placed under civilian administration; in 1881 it was abolished.


Hietzinger, C. B. Statistik der Militärgrenze des Österreichischen Kaiserthums, vols. 1-2. Vienna, 1817-23.


Vaniček, F. Specialgeschichte der Militärgrenze aus Originalguellen und Quellenwerken geschöpft, vols. 1-4. Vienna, 1875.
Schwicker, J. H. Geschichte der Österreichischen Militärgrenze. Vienna, 1883.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Special historiographical problems are Vlachs, Orthodox herders and farmers of different legal status who served military service at the Military Border (Vojna Krajina).