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(in ancient Rome) a country house, usually consisting of farm buildings and residential quarters around a courtyard


Francisco , called Pancho Villa, original name Doroteo Arango. ?1877--1923, Mexican revolutionary leader
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


In Roman and Renaissance periods, a country seat with its dwellings, outbuildings, and gardens, often quite elaborate; in modern times, a detached suburban or country house of some pretension.
Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved


1. In the Roman and Renaissance periods, a country seat with its dwelling, outbuildings, and gardens, often quite elaborate.
2. In modern times, a detached suburban or country house of some pretension.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a type of country house with a garden or park. The first villas appeared on the territory of present-day Italy in the third century B.C. During the second and first centuries B.C. they were found throughout the Mediterranean region.

The most common type of villa during this period was the villa rustica, an architectural group of residential and farm buildings that formed the center of a rural estate. It usually consisted of the landowner’s section, where the master and his family lived, and the farm section (housing for slaves, cattle sheds, barns, and so forth). The villa’s buildings were all grouped around an open (later, closed) courtyard. The villa urbana, which was located in the country, was intended primarily for pleasure and recreation (for example, the Villa of Mysteries near Pompeii, second and first centuries B.C.). During the second and first centuries B.C. the owner’s residence was separated from the farm buildings and frequently decorated by mosaics and wall paintings. In addition to the early type of villa, large villas were built (especially under the empire), surrounded by specially laid out, usually terraced parks with pavilions, sculpture, and fountains.

This kind of villa—the country residential estate of an aristocrat—was further developed in the 15th through the 17th century in Italy. During the Renaissance the villa group began to have an axial composition, with the main building—the casino—in the center. A great deal of importance was attached to architectural solutions for the support walls and the terraces, which were connected by staircases with numerous flights. Combined with landscaped areas, these elements visually united the house and the park with the surrounding landscape (the villa of Pope Julius III in Rome, 1550-55, architects G. Vignola, B. Ammanati, and G. Vasari; the Villa Rotonda near Vicenza, 1551-67, architect A. Palladio, completed during 1580-91 by the architect V. Scamozzi; and Cambiaso near Genoa, 1548, architect G. Alessi). The natural grace and simplicity of the Renaissance villa gave way to the ornate baroque villa’s intricate, fanciful composition, which was designed to produce a sprawling effect by means of the viewer’s consecutive perception of separate buildings in the group. During the baroque period, the large park with pavilions, statues, and cascades formed an artificial, multilevel landscape, the view of which was completed by the casino (the Aldobrandini villa in Frascati, 1598-1603, architects G. della Porta and C. Maderno; completed by C. Fontana).

In the 19th century comfortable, private residences with gardens or parks in the wealthier sections of a city or suburb or at a resort were called villas. In the 20th century the term “villa” is often applied to any comfortable, isolated country home for one family. Because many of these houses are built to individual orders without the usual restrictions on the architect, the construction of country homes in contemporary architecture abroad is often experimental. In construction and planning, new solutions are being sought to create maximum comfort and unity with surrounding nature (for example, the villa in Garches, Haut-de-Seine Department, France, 1927, designed by Le Corbusier).


Vseobshchaia istoriia arkhitektury, vol. 2. Moscow, 1948; vol. 5, Moscow, 1967.
Masson, G. Ville e palazzi d’ltalia. Milan, 1959.
Le Corbusier. Vers Une Architecture. Paris [n.d.].
Ruprecht, B. “Villa: Zur Geschichte eines Ideals.” In the collection Probleme der Kunstwissenschaft, vol. 2. Berlin, 1966. Pages 210-50.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Des responsables locaux de la ville on confirme que "la force de protection de Ghariane et les groupes armes de soutien ont expulse les agresseurs hors des limites administratives de la ville et les ont chasses, soulignant que la vie a repris progressivement mercredi dans la ville.
La soiree a ete marquee egalement par une conference sur l'histoire des deux villes jumelles Rabat et Sale.
Ce programme inedit consolidera la position strategique de Tanger comme une ville reference dans le continent africain, la principale porte vers l'Europe et un carrefour international des differentes civilisations et cultures, releve "Atalayar entre dos orillas", une revue qui vise a promouvoir la connaissance entre le pays iberique et le Maghreb.
Fun Ville has a series of launches scheduled in Qatar and UAE in the coming months and the Ezdan Mall launch will be followed by the launch of Fun Ville at Al Hamra Mall's new extension in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.
S'il est sans doute destine davantage a un public academique, cc volume constitue tout de merne, pour les praticiens de l'amenagement et pour les citoyens, une occasion de reflechir aux facons de penser la ville En deux mots, empruntes a Andre Corboz et qui se trouvent souvent en filigrane, cet ouvrage rappelle combien il est important, pour decouvrir le sens des etablissements humains, de considerer l'histoire des lieux (tel un palimpseste -) et les multiples angles de la ville (voire de l' hyperville) qui s'offrent, comme objets de reflexion, tant aux citoyens qu'aux analystes.
La memoire du paysage constitue une reference incontournable en ce qui concerne l'etude de ce quartier de la ville de Quebec.
Madame Thibault, qui vient elle aussi de feter son 100ieme anniversaire cette annee, ajoute que, durant son sejour a Chapleau, elle n'a pas vu beaucoup d'expansion majeure dans la ville, mais plutot dans l'impact de l'industrie forestiere.
On the other hand, the special concern police had for the impact of politics at the Place was not entirely misplaced, for this site and the adjacent Hotel de Ville had played crucial roles in the political and revolutionary history of France from at least the mid-seventeenth century and particularly since 1789.
Cette approche historique de la capitale a le merite de passer en revue les differents episodes architecturaux, en les arrimant aux etapes politiques de la ville. Ainsi, de la capitale de la Nouvelle-France, on chemine a travers la capitale du Bas-Canada pour aboutir a la capitale de la province, fit chaque etape, des architectes sont mis a l'honneur pour leur realisation dans la ville: Gaspard Chaussegros de Levy, le codificateur (p.
The Theatre de la Ville, Paris's own City Theater, has presented challenging contemporary dance for three decades.
And yet, as Simon Ville correctly notes in the preface to this work, there is a dearth of surveys on European transport in the modern period.
Le 27 juin, les forces du gouvernement d'union nationale ont repris le controle de la ville de Ghariane, premiere conquete de Hafter dans son offensive militaire lancee le 4 avril pour conquerir la ville de Tripoli et qui a abrite l'etat-major et le dispositif logistique de l'operation.